Chapter 13

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to chapter 13 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Gabbylala19. A great fan of this book. Thanks for the support through comments and votes.

---> That Hard Glare of Ethan.

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



Ethan's POV

Cabin Number 8

The 'thank you for coming and visit again' sign blurred as we sped off away from the town. Buildings, establishments and houses became thinner while the vast landscape of trees and nature started to thick. Deciding it's time to drink the fresh air of country, I rolled down the window and the gush of wind rushed to my face.

My lungs felt so happy and content as soon as the healthy oxygen filled them. Someone stirred in my side and my head turned to the owner. Xander was sleeping heavily and from the looks of it I don't need answers why he was almost left behind and if it wasn't for me he's definitely still sleeping in his comfy bed while we reach Jackson Community High without him.

Coach was used to Xander's attitude and I'm very thankful he's not barking in our ears again. I turned back and look to the sunny Sunday. We're lucky since the rain spared us just a moment for this trip. I hope this good weather continued until this week.

Fifteen minutes had passed and I decided to listen to some music. Taking out my ipod and plugging the earphones, I played my playlist and watch the scenery sped off while listening to Luke Bryan's. I found my eyelids slowly drooping and the soft music continued to caress my eardrum until everything was black.

A drum splitting sound made me jumped from my seat and leaves my sleeping state. I looked around and saw everyone had same reactions especially Xander who was scowling at coach very hard for interrupting his deep sleep.

"Shake you sleepy butts because we're approaching our destination in few minutes!" Coach said loudly.

My head span and gazed outside. The heart of the town is in the mountainous land. The houses, building and town landmarks were unleveled since the ground slopes upward. I've been here for few times and everything was still beautiful. The touch of the nature and the structures of the civilization mixed perfectly well.

The town municipal, schools and shops passed by and the bus continued to ran until the road slowly curved down then leveled again. We turned left and we entered a large letters curved on the stone that says 'Welcome to Genn Hotel and Mountain Resort'. My mouth slightly parted open at the sight before me. This is way beautiful in person than the pictures on their online website.

A 2-storey hotel purely made in woods stood before us. The exterior is excellently beautifully done and elegant. Around the hotel was showered in jaw-dropping garden landscapes and attractions. The ground is open for parking space. There were catchy sayings or motivational quotations written in piece of woods attached to the tress.

The bus halted gently and before we could get up from our seat and wonder around coach stopped us. "Hep Hep Hep! Not so fast boys!" Coach yelled to everyone. The excited murmurs died down and attention gathered at coach who was giving us stern look.

"I'm gonna say few things before you get out from this bus. First, the rules. Everyone must not wonder around after dark. And if anyone wanted to go and check around, you shall bring a company in case of emergency. For any questions and assistance, ask kindly the hotel staffs. And to whom who wish to visit the town, you shall ask permission from me before going out. If I caught anyone of you breaking the rules, I'm gonna throw you off the cliff by myself! Understand!?" Coach demanded loudly.

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