Chapter 17* part 2

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the second chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to XDraculaXx. I love her one shots 'sex in the air' 

---> Just Imagine it was Adam sucking Ethan's neck ;)

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Ethan's POV

Say My Name

"Fuck! You taste so much better than I thought"

I moaned in response when Adam said those words. Looking down, I watched as he worshipped my cock hungrily like a starve caveman. Just watching Adam suck me with passion made me closer to edge, this is just fucking hot. I never thought in my life that blowjob would give me this kind of pleasure. He made all blowjobs I had before like a joke.

He released one of his hands from my hip then wrapped it around the base of my cock and started pumping me synchronically with his mouth. My knee wobbled weakly as Adam suck me harder and faster. He lifted my cock and licked the undersides and every part of my shaft. My breathing was ragged, I closed my eyes enjoying the best feeling. My knees almost give up and I gasped when he deep throated me again.

I opened my eyes to see Adam's face buried on my pubic hairs, I can't believe he can take it all. God help me! I'm barely holding myself from exploding because I want this to last longer. This extremely high feeling. I've been suppressing to cum for so long since we started and I don't know if I can hold longer even I'm well trained from controlling myself.

He slowly pulled away, stopping from completely releasing my cock with his mouth just covering the pulsing head. Adam gaze up at me and I gulped at how his eyes were dark from lust and desire. His eyes twinkled mischievously that can made anyone nervous. I don't have any idea what he's about to do with the head of cock but my heart was thumping hard against my chest in anticipation.

Adam took a large amount of air, hollowed his cheeks tightly around the cap and then sipped the head so hard that almost send my brain to hell. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed as the feeling of my soul coming out from my cock's head slit. My back slightly slid down on the door while I clutch his head for dear life. My other hand flailed wildly searching for support then finally found the door handle.

My eyes rolled back while Adam continued to suck forcefully out my cum from my painful balls since I'm still holding back my last ounce of restraint. My balls quivered, the head of my cock swelled in his mouth and I let Adam destroyed my control. I shut my eyes sensing my violent climax coming in. I'm one second away from coming when Adam quickly released my cock. A loud frustrated whine came out my lips and I gripped his hair urging him back to my cock but he unlatched my hand out of his head and stood up.

Adam leaned in my ear "Don't worry Ethan, I let you cum later... and when it happens, I'll make sure you'll pass out from unbearable pleasure" Adam's promising voice went sexily octave. My body shivered violently and goosebumps erupted in my skin.

He bit the shell of my ear that sent ticklish delicious tingles in me before he grabbed my neck and shove roughly his lips to mine. We both moaned simultaneously and our lips move on their own accord. It was fast, searing and rough kiss trying to dominate each other. I pushed my body off from the door and our feet started moving. We both don't care where we're heading while we practically each other's faces off.

Until we almost knock the lantern on the table between our beds, Adam turned us around and pushed us to one of the bed. My back landed on the soft bed with him, our lips still connected. We parted away when our lungs was about to burst, we both took a large gulp of air then Adam wasted no time and quickly attacked my neck mercilessly.

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