Chapter 24

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 24 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to ThunderZone. I love his Taming Arrogance :) check it out.

---> The view from the rooftop 

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!

NOTE: Be aware that there's chapter 22 & 23. They were private due to strong explicit sexual contents.  



Ethan's POV

A Match to Finish

"See you there tomorrow man" Kian called off as they prepared to leave.

The sounds of footsteps against the cold tiles around the locker room started to die down as everyone in our team parted for their departure. The slow water droplets coming from the showerhead made a faint clear sound everytime it hit the wet floor. The exhaust fan on the wall continued to rotate giving off the warm steam from the freshly used bathroom.

I went into the one of shower stall, naked. The shower stalls are open and doesn't have doors. Turning the knob, splash of cold water descended down my body and covering all the dry part until I'm all soaked. I started to wash my body with soap feeling the dirt from the field leave my skin.

It's weekend tomorrow so I stayed behind a little bit in the field on my own after the regular practice. I'm pretty sure everyone must have gone home until a body pressed up from my behind. I was startled at the action and almost lost my footing. My heart was beating fast because I thought I was being attacked then when I turned around to give a blow it's none other than Adam the devil himself.

"Woah. Easy Tiger" Adam raised his hand in surrender and I quickly drop my arm.

"God! Don't do that. I thought you're some kind of murderer" I scowled at him with my hand on my chest.

"Sorry my bad. Can't help it" Adam smirked then stepped forward into the shower instantly drenching his whole nudity. "Well if I'm murderer... I'm going to kill you through pleasure" He uttered seductively with mischievous smile that made me gulped hard.

Stepping back, my body hit the wall behind me and before I knew it, Adam captured my body and lips. I moaned between our heated kiss when Adam slipped his tongue inside me. Our body molded perfectly while our limbs coiled against each other.

The slickness of our skin gave no resistance between the contacts of our bare groin. Adam lavished every part of me and I'm willingly surrendered in his wicked lips. Every touch was heaven and we had the best time as he take me against the shower wall. Fucking me until I was moaning so loud and cumming intensely.

My mind was brought back to reality as when Adam made a perfect shot, our section lit up for perfect ten score. Kian, Mark along with other guys in our soccer team hollered in our table praising Adam for it.

Looking around, we're in Bowling Alley. The occasional sound of bowling ball scattering the pins bounce in the air around the room along with soft chill of music in the background. Yesterday, our teammates decided we could hangout today here and bond once in a while. This is nice place to spend lazy Saturday afternoon to evening.

Adam came back in our table and sat down. The guys patted his back. "Good job man" Kian grinned.

"Honestly, I didn't even put much effort on that" Adam smirked coyly, putting his hands behind his head. The guys just gape at him and give him admiring looks. Glancing across the table, I was tempted to roll my eyes on him from his arrogance. But small part of me always find it endearing, it suit his attractive boyish look.

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