Chapter 15

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the fifteenth chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to LonelyLife0021. I hope you're not lonely as what your username says :) You're a great person and just keep doing what you love like sketching or drawing. And keep commenting and voting :)

---> That Mouthwatering Body of Sexy Ethan

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



Ethan's POV

The Naked Intentions

I woke up in a chilly morning. The blanket seemed so soft and good at the moment to make me warm, so I clutched it harder around my body. With my eyes still close, I can hear the chirping of birds and distant stillness of the early day in the mountain forest. I lied there on my bed for five minutes then rolled to the other side.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked for few times as my vision became clear. I can see Adam on next bed sleeping heavily. Tilting my head at the window, the sun rays are forcing its way through the curtains. I stretched my arms and got up from the bed. Opening the curtains then windows on my side, I let the fresh air and light to come in.

Feeling the day would be good, I inhaled sharply. My eyes fell down on the guy peacefully sleeping on the next bed. My lips twitched remembering what I did to him last night at the dining area. I felt power, fierceness and in control while I was doing it. And I love every second of that wonderful feeling. When he shivered in my touch, the way he bit his lip to suppress any moan I've caused, and those tortured expression while he was in my hands.

Contemplating if I should open the curtains on his side and wake him up, I decided to leave him resting and go outside. I dressed properly, throwing some pants, jacket for morning jog and shoes. It was really cold outside since the place is in high altitude. Checking the time, it was still early and everyone must be on their beds.

On my way, Kyle and the freshman Mason decided to join me on my routine. We made outside the hotel and into the slightly foggy road. The jog is quiet challenging because of the inclined ground. It made my body pumped up more adrenalin as we made to the town, we stopped for few minutes then went back to the hotel.

Most of the team were already up when we get back. The sun was rising high in the cloudy sky. The hotel staffs informed us the breakfast would be ready in fifteen. I went back to our room to find Adam in his short but bare top. He turned his body at me upon hearing the door opened.

The silent tension filled the room and the creak of the closing door seemed to be louder than it should be. Our intense gaze met at the middle, it was long staring contest. No one dared to back down, fighting for dominance. But then my eyes leisurely betrayed me as they traveled down his bare chest. Those two beads look so temptingly inviting, those curves crafted on his abdomen beckoning me to trace them, and those sinful trail leading to his impressive manhood, as my foot felt it, telling me to uncover it.

I shook my dirty thoughts away and willed my eyes back to his face. He has this annoying knowing smirk plastered on his lips. I quickly tore my head to the side feeling I was caught in the act checking him out. It was just normal for a guy I thought. It was a good distraction to anyone.

I'm not gay or bi... as far as I know. Even if I am, I would accept it. I don't have problem with it. But the thought of being attractive to my number one enemy, competitor and rival doesn't seem to faze me. I don't like him, that's final. I shouldn't, I wouldn't and I couldn't feel that way. I'm on my mission to get back at him, to make him admit he couldn't resist me, and to show him I'm better in this field of seduction. I would not lose on my track. You have a very pretty girlfriend I reminded myself.

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