Chapter 35 (last chapter)

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the final chapter of TAOSY. It's been a long time without you my friends and I'll you all about it... okay stop singing (hahaha). Wow! I've never had the chance to write the final chapter until now, to all the fans that have been waiting for this for so long, I am so sorry. My life has been a roller coaster for the past year, I have been so busy, I had ups and downs along the way but my passion for writing is still burning inside me. I'll continue to write new books here and maybe study a creative writing course and earn an associate degree in professional writing in the future and publish my own book. To all fans that keep messaging and never losing hope in me and encouraging to write again, Big thanks, I love you and this chapter is dedicated to all of you :)

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Ethan's POV

A New Beginning of an End 

The excited chattering of my former classmates' sweep in the gym, every conversation has a bittersweet taste of both sadness and happiness. Well, not classmates anymore, they're my fellow graduates now.

I can't believe it's over now. Everyone's gonna miss each other's company and memories we've all shared in past four years. There are so many things happened during our stay here in high school. Especially me, my memories, things that I learned not just in the classroom but also about myself.

"Promise me that we'll keep in touch no matter what" I heard the girls sitting in front of me as they conversed.

Those words echoed in my head. That sentence is the celebrity of this day. We may have all said it but we also know that's the promise we all can't keep. Perhaps after few days or months but as time goes on, if not all, most of us will be just another contact number in our phones or profile in facebook.

"Hey" a hand rested on my shoulder

"You're finally here" I sighed in relief as Adam leaned forward and gave me a kiss, "I thought you're gonna ditch us in the last minute" I added.

"As much as I love to just be with you..." Adam nipped my earlobe "in bed right now, I don't wanna miss our last day here in high school"

"" He started biting my ticklish neck "you... horndog" I said between chuckles.

"Oh yeah?" Adam didn't listen as he continued what he's doing.

I grabbed both his shoulders and pushed him gently "We're in public full of people" I hushed.

"I know, but you didn't complain last time I fucked you in the libr-" I covered his mouth with my hand before he finishes that sentence.

"You two drop that lovey-dovey moment because we're about to start" Jane interrupted us with her hand on her hip "and you Adam, that's not your seat"

Hands up in the air, Adam got up with a smirk "sorry can't help it"

Adam winked at me before leaving. Everybody settled in and the program begins. My parents are here along with the other parents or guest on the other side across the graduates.

After singing the national anthem, prayer and introductory speech by the principal, the guest speaker walked on the stage and delivered a long story which made most of the audience bored. She's very accomplished and old but she talked really soft.

The ceremony went on until the graduates walked on the stage one by one to get our diploma. You can see in the parents' or guardians' eyes the happiness and proudness. The program was ended by the Valedictory speech and our theme song.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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