Chapter 5

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the Fifth chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Avylinn.

--> That smashing outfit and powerful look of Sarah ;)

Note: This is important chapter! Read thoroughly

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Ethan's POV

I Dare You!

"Hey Ethan!" Marcus shouted down the ground catching my attention. "Get down. Martha said the breakfast's ready" He gestured his hands to the kitchen.

Leaning on the rail of the balcony, I replied "Thanks. I'll be there in five"

A voice chimed in, "Morning Ethan!" 5 year old Dave greeted me enthusiastically, waving his hands frantically that looks like dirty from helping his dad cleaning. Well, I should say excuse to play on the lawn.

"Morning too Munchkin" I smiled back waving my hand.

I turned around then headed to the bathroom suite. Stripping naked, and placed my clothes to the humper neatly, I entered to the shower corner. I set the temperature higher than usual thinking I needed it more to calm my body from yesterday practice. Turning it on, water splashed around my body in all sides. From the top, to my front and back. I really love this shower unlike the usual one. I hummed as I enjoy the soothing sensation.

I intended to stay longer in the bathroom but I needed to hurry. After maximum time inside, I picked towel on the rack then dried myself off. I opened my walked in closet and gazed inside what should I wear. I have lots of clothes because of mom. I normally buy my own clothes but mom kept buying me even if I told her not to. Looking in the closet with piles of organize dress, I sighed. I don't need all of these.

Some of my clothes were barely even touch by me. Either it was too fancy or not my type and style. All of them were from my mom. Most of my old, measuring from time but not even worn or maybe once or twice, I donated them to charity or give to few students in our school who needed them most.

Finally, I took out a simple blue polo shirt and plaid jeans. I turned to my side and studied my appearance in the large mirror attached to the back of the door of closet. I fixed my hair adding small amount of wax and styled it messy but not that punk rock messy, just enough of few of my hair to stick out at one direction. I'm not trying to impress everyone, you know person who dresses too much to catch attention. I'm just normal teenager looking after his look to be presentable.

Satisfied to my appearance, I sprayed my CK cologne on the sides of my neck then to my wrist. Sarah told me she loves the smell of it. The corner of my lips tugged slightly. I slung my bag on my right shoulder, picked my car keys and wallet. I closed my room then texted Sarah while on way down to the kitchen.

Me: Good Morning Beautiful ;)

Few seconds later, my phone vibrated in my pocket as I reached the second floor. I opened it and saw it was reply from her.

Sarah: My morning would be good if I see you handsome ;)

Me: Ditch your car so I could pick you up this time

I suggested to her. She would kill if you scratch her Pink Audi, that's how she cares for it. Their house is not too far. We lived in same subdivision, not same street though. I usually go for a walk or run if I would come to their house to hang out with Xander. But mostly Xander go to ours when were kids. Long story short, after Xander's parents got divorced, he spent most of his time with me or his granddad.

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