Chapter 11

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 11 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to miggycortez05. A fan of mine. Belated Happy Birthday :)

--> Insanely Sexy Adam.

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



Adam's POV

Who will rule the field?

Slowly, carefully, I draw a circle in my bond paper using the pencil I borrowed from Ethan. I sighed contently as I completed the last one which was bigger and split into two. After finishing to put the right structures and what was happening in certain phases, I write down the names of each particular phases under the drawing then copy the labels of the structures from the picture. I lettered the title Mitosis on the top of the paper and I'm done with my designated work which Ethan told me to do.

Ethan however, was flipping his book and reading to get answer for his own question. I look up and stared at him. Well, let's just say admire every angle of his features. The occasional flipping of pages of books, scratching of pens and low murmurs float in the library room. Ethan and I continued our homework from yesterday. Though, we're not in the same spot near the bay window. Ethan and I sat across each other.

Time was giving me a favor since in any moment the bell would rang and we're still not finished. That simply means we'll resume this after practice. I grinned hopefully in my mind because Ethan can't argue with it since we don't have free time except for lunch. That's likely would happen unless Ethan prefer to ditch lunch and endure the hunger and just finish the homework.

My eyes followed the movement of his eyes under his long lashes as he read the book. A moment or two had passed when Ethan quickly tore his eyes off from the book up to my intense ones. Without flicking his eyes "Take picture it'll last longer" he spoke but in not teasing tone how that line should be but in more warning and cold seriousness.

"Yeah, why I didn't think about it?" I said in fake enthusiastic voice and quickly took my phone resting on the table and opened my camera. Ethan's empty expression quickly changed as his eyes can't believe I'm taking what he said seriously.

Before he could act or turned away from the camera, with quick reflex I snapped a photo of him in his current state. His eyes showed dread and hasten emotion and about to flung his arms to my phone. I chuckled loudly looking down on his picture.

Ethan tried to snatch my phone looking very angry "Give that to me" he demanded.

"Umm... No!" I said firmly and can't stop from grinning.

"Delete that picture!" He half yelled while struggling across the table to take my phone away which his hands reaching desperately for it. I raised my hands higher then transferred it from my other hand and quickly put it into my back pocket so he can't reach it and the picture is safe there.

Ethan glared so hard as if his eyes turned like Medusa and from the fierceness of it will surely turn me into stone. I flashed him a childish irritating face to make him annoyed more. "You!" He tried to grabbed my shirt but I saw it coming, before his fingers could touch me I pushed myself back and stood away.

He stood up ready to chase me when the bell rang and everyone in the library broke into shuffling noise of bags and papers. Some girls who passed through us giggled at the both sight of two hottest guys in school were in the library. I gave them a dazzling smirk and their cheeks tinted with color red.

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