Chapter 4

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 4 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll love it

This chapter is dedicated to CherryBird :) Love her works so much.

—> Alluring Sexy Adam ;)

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Ethan's POV

His Type

A light escape through my dark vision, faint light, then it grows as my eyes slowly opened. When my senses were fully awake, the surrounding registered to my brain. I was in my room. Rolling to the side of my bed the time says it was 5:30 am in the morning. Time to start another day.

Stretching my arms and yawning, I sat on my bed then blinked few times as I think about yesterday. I just had the worst day of my life, not counting the day I tripped off when I was about to ask out my first girl. Let's forget about that. My mind drifted back what happened yesterday and I groaned loudly.

After warming up coach gave us our usual routine for footwork and speed. But this time it was more complicated and harder. Not complaining though, it was really intense and I like it. Doing the same rounds for half an hour then coach told us form a line for goal shot.

Everyone lined, Xander as captain is the first one who's standing before me. Coach whistled and Xander ran quickly kicking the soccer ball which resting on the ground few meters away from him. The ball flew toward the net but Mark, our goalie, jumped on his side with determination, hands outstretch and his hands clasped around the ball in midair. Mark lie on the ground with the ball clutched on his chest then he get up grinning widely as he successfully stop the goal.

Xander wasn't happy about it because he's a good scorer too and his shots were usually rarely blocked by Mark. "Good Briones!" Coach shouted giving thumbs up Mark. Someone's been practicing all summer I see. Xander shook his head clearly in displease and caught the ball which turned back by Mark and it was supposedly for me.

Xander dropped the ball then walked back in front of me and ready. I patted his shoulder giving him an encouraging smile. "That's the spirit Smith! Prove your status as captain" Coach yelled loving Xander's attitude then blew the whistle again. He aimed for another shot this time he made sure it was goal. He gave me hi five as he strolled to the back.

It was my turn this time. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes met Adam's. He was standing two players after me and he was watching me carefully. Good, so he would see who's the better scorer between us. I should make a goal because if I didn't, it would look like I'm just amateur and his pro if he scored and I didn't.

I stared ahead with fix attention to the net. In the middle, stood Mark ready in position both arms wide and knees bent. I'm a good trickster in the field but I can't use some moves right now. I just gonna give the best shot I could. Stepping my right foot then look to my target area. I dashed forward very fast then angled my body, left leg extended, then kick the ball with all my might. The ball soared high in the air like a bullet and shot straight to the right upper corner of the net.

Mark saw it coming but didn't have the time to catch it. I heard coach clapped his hand. "That's what called the GOAL!" He screamed then smiled and pointed at me.

As I passed Adam, with nose up, I smirked at him in boasting and challenging way. I'm still unsure why I'm acting like this with him, only him. I quickly return my face to emotionless one so no one could notice it. Well, I thought perhaps because he's my enemy, so hate and dislike can lead to many emotions to show on my face like right this moment. I'm boasting and being cocky to my goal. Never mind and I don't care as long as he's the only one can see it.

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