Chapter 14

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter fourteen of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Olwethu Saki. Fan from South Africa. Thanks for supporting my books :)

---> That Delicious and Open Pose of Adam ;)

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Ethan's POV

Taking the Dessert to the next Level 

"Hey, been looking for you E. What did you find?" Xander asked as soon as I set my foot out of the shop.

"Bought some clothes. You?" I brought up the paper bag.

He grinned widely. "I got this" he took out a bracelet made of wood, half heart shape that looks like more of a leaf. I can see a letter freshly carved on it was L "It's a pair. The one is for Luke" he showed other identical one except the letter was X on it.

My lips twitch into a grin. "That's amazing. Luke will love it"

We heard the familiar whistle of coach, so we quickly moved and get back to the bus. Everyone piled in to their seats with satisfied smile and everyone was happily chatting and joking around. Coach did a head count and fortunately Kian with two others came before coach go mad and left without them.

The journey back to the Genn hotel and mountain resort was short. Twilight was in the sky when we arrived. Everybody went back to their own cabins, some decided to loiter around. Xander and I walk side by side back to our cabins since they weren't far to each other. We were talking about the visit until he stopped and went inside his room.

I walked further and every step I took, the beat of my heart picking its pace. During the ride back here, I knew he was angry and frustrated. No, he was very sexually frustrated. I can feel it even miles away. But I'm not done. I'm not done with him because I'm still going to show him the real art of seduction. And when I reach his peak, he'll begging to be claimed by me.

Stopping in front of our cabin, I slowly reach for the handle and turned it then pushed carefully. I look inside and to my relief he wasn't here yet. I quickly put the paper bag to my cabinet and immediately leave the room because I knew Adam is on the way. I went to Xander's cabin and before I could turn, I saw Adam's figure descending on the stone path with determined look.

I quickly open the door, stepped inside and closed it. Xander was lying on his bed his attention was on his phone. He was grinning like idiot and I don't need to ask who he was texting with. Mark on the other hand, was watching something on his tablet. I shook my head in these two.

I cleared my throat and they both look at me. "You guys want to leave your gadgets for a minute and go for a walk?" I raised my eyebrow expectantly.

Xander sneered "Come on E. I'm having chat with Luke. Go with Mark" he returned his attention back to the screen.

I turned to Mark and he smiled apologetically then did the same as Xander. "It's almost dark E. Coach doesn't like rule breaker" Xander sang while tapping on his phone. Mentally rolling my eyes and with a defeated sigh, I walked over his bed and sat down.

"And when did you listen to any rules?"

"When Luke is involve?" He replied back looking at me.

"That's new. I'm glad Luke has good influence on you" I said slight amazed.

"Yeah. I think I'm—" he paused then look around. I waited for him, brows furrowed. He was about to say something which I feel is really important. I've known Xander for a long time and we've been always open to each other. I know he keeps one or two things to himself like secretly liking Luke after all the bullying he'd done but I didn't press on that matter. If he doesn't want to share, I'm not gonna force him because I respect his decision.

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