Chapter 25*

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the 25th chapter of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to ShoshoParadis. Thanks for that sweet message :)

---> That position everyone loves ;)

DON'T forget to Vote, Comment, Fan and Share :) Enjoy!



Ethan's POV


Adam brought me to another unfamiliar surroundings. The environment was friendly this time and that's a relief for me. Thank God. We entered a secured place where lies to the other side of town. We passed his past school Wenders few moments ago until we reached this street. I can say the people living in this neighborhood are an upper class also.

We slowed down to a two-storey house. I followed him passed their gate and to garage. It was late-century modern type of house. It was slightly big and beautiful. I got out of my car and walked over to Adam.

"I hope we're not breaking into someone else's property this time" I deadpanned with teasing tone.

"Lucky you I live here" Adam replied while taking off his helmet and gloves.

He climbed off his bike and then cocked his head to follow him. We walked to their front door and Adam opened it with his key. It was dark until he turned on the lights. I scanned the surrounding. It was surprisingly spacious and neat inside. Their furniture is classic and modern as the same time.

I can see my own reflection on a tall jar sitting in the corner of living room. Everything seems untouched. There's an eerie silence that rest in the entire house. I can practically hear Adam's footsteps echoed on the quiet wall.

"You want anything?" Adam asked me then turned around to look at me. He must have notice I'm inspecting his house curiously so he commented "My mom contracted the company for housekeeping weekly. I guess that's the only good thing she did" the last part was barely a whisper but I caught it.

It was an awkward silence. I wanted to ask him about it, but I don't want him to think I'm prying on his personal life like a detective. "We haven't had our dinner yet. I'm starving" I answered instead.

He smirked "Yeah we need a lot of energy for later" my face heated up behind the meaning of those words.

Adam turned around and I followed him into their kitchen. "I can cook if you want. I'm not a chief but I'm a decent one" I offered him. I learned cooking when I was younger from Martha. My mom also taught me some of her recipes during our quality time.

He opened their fridge and looked inside it "Crap. I forgot we don't stock foods here" he muttered. I can see from the gap, there were bottles of beer and some leftovers. I wonder how they eat here and what they eat.

"You live here with your parents? Or any other family members?" I asked conversionally. My voice was casual and smooth in case I touch a soft subject.

"My parents are barely home. We own a business and they work a lot. So basically I live here alone, you could say that. Well, I'm usually out or at Gabe's house" Adam answered nonchalantly while closing the fridge. There's no hint of bitterness. It was like he's used to it, his everyday life.

Parents nowadays are workaholic. Some my casual friends in school have same situation. I'm really blessed that my parents spend time with us every Sunday our family day even with their busy schedule. My mom and dad always found way to dine with us everyday in same table together.

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