Chapter 21

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 21 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Wattpad Lgbt+

---> Gregg Sulkin as Sean

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Ethan's POV

Daily Fix

The next day, I was excited to go to school. More excited than usual I might say. I can't help but the corner of my lips tugged into a grin. I don't know what made me so pumped up today. Turning the car to right, I parked quickly in our spot before turning the engine off.

"Good day huh?" Sarah asked in passenger's seat while I fumbled my seatbelt.

Looking at my side I almost forgot I picked her up this morning "Yeah..." I said slightly unsure then I realized what's she's talking about "Nice weather for soccer practice" I added immediately, turned around and snatched my bag sitting on backseat so she won't see my face.

It was half true though that I have lots of things to do this day. "I can't drive you back home after school, I have double practice for basketball and soccer. If you want you could wait for me while watching" I told her.

"Oh, as much as I want to see you hot and sweaty again I'm fine thank you. I can't spend my precious time just sitting there doing nothing for an hour where I could be at somewhere else having spa while having juicy conversation with Jane and Luke" She stated while she recalled her first experience watching me practice. What would she expect then? I supposed she got bored after doing nothing during the last half.

"Okay" I pecked on her cheek before getting out of the car. I saw her face contorted with frown when I closed the door.

Sarah followed me and we get inside the school building. "You're not mad aren't you?" She asked as we walked side by side. She wrapped her hands around my arm and I glanced at her.

"Nope" I answered nonchalantly "Why I would be mad at you?" I asked curiously. What's her issue?

"I don't know. I just feel like we're getting—never mind. If you want me in your practice even my ass would probably rot in those bleachers with your other admirers then I would do it" Sarah determinedly said.

"No, it's really fine. What you would do if you're there? You'll get bored eventually if you're not enjoying the game" I sighed. "Look, I'm not forcing you. I'd be delighted if I know you're having fun with your girlfriends" I explained.

She smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be your personal cheerleader at your important games"

Then she kissed me on the lips in the hallway. It was chaste kiss though. I shouldn't have felt surprised since we always kiss but I did felt surprised and caught at the moment. I do know that nothing has changed about her kiss but it's not the kiss I'm looking forward for. It's not the lips that sent tingles in my core.

We continued moving and when I looked ahead, the familiar face with green piercing eyes caught my attention. He saw that. Adam saw us. He turned his back and resumed his talk with Gabe and others. I suddenly felt... how do I say this? Guilty? But part of me telling not to, because he signed up for this. We both knew that we should get used to this things. After all, we both agreed to this little dirty secret.

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