Chapter 9

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 9 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to SkeneKidz. Love his romantic comedy books :)

--> Gabe played by Michael B Jordan of That Awkward Moment.

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Adam's POV

Look at me

I can't believe he's not looking at me. Not even a glance in my direction. I glared at his face intensely feeling my disappointment and irritation bubbles beneath the surface of my temper. Almost half of the people around me in the cafeteria were stealing a glance in my direction. Jane, Luke and Sarah even smiled at me in acknowledgement and I saw Sarah and Jane whispered then giggled after.

While that stubborn Ethan, just ignored me and his upmost attention was with Xander and Jacob's conversation. If hard stares could burn, I'm sure that handsome face was now burning in flames. I wonder what he thought when our eyes met when I entered the room. Perhaps he didn't like it. Or maybe the others are right about him. He's straight as ruler.

Phew! I chuckled in my head at that. I don't believe it. There's no hundred percent straight in this world. Every person has some admiration and attraction in their same sex at least. It's hidden in the deepest part of the brain that needs to be triggered. Some are just afraid of the thought liking another same gender that's why fear conquered and masked it that sometimes leads to anger. Homophobes are just bunch of idiots which now are thinning as year progresses.

Gabe nudged me in the side. Tearing my gaze from Ethan, I turned my head at him. "What?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I asked you if you want to hang out with us tonight in bowling alley" Gabe told me.

Ashley who's sitting to my other side was smiling hopefully with some heads in the table waiting for my answer "Count me in" I said that made them beamed in delight. Gabe patted my shoulder.

"Cool man. Who's your looking at by the way" He asked me in lower voice and leaning closer. Gabe knows me too well not liking to blurt around the table the private topic.

"What you're talking about?" I asked innocently.

"Oh come on! You know what I'm talking about. Share it to your best friend" He said not buying my answer. He leaned more and an eager look itched to his face "Tell me, you're still after Sarah?"

I glanced across the table without leaving a response. As much I want to tell him the truth, I don't wanna lie to him either. So I'm just not gonna answer him. Gabe slightly bumped his shoulder to mine and put his arm around me and whispered something.

"Don't ever think to continue to go after her. You can go with someone else even they're taken but not with Ethan's girl. It's big trouble dude. Ethan is best friend with Xander. I'm telling you, you don't wanna mess up with them" Gabe warned me. I stared back at him. Hmm... I know he's right but he also knows who I am. I don't fear anyone too. In fact, the feeling of getting into trouble and caught adds to the excitement and thrill.

"Oh, if you're talking about their family. You know what I got" I told him then shook his hair with knowing look.

Gabe shrugged my hands off in annoyance "I hate when you do that" He grumbled. I chuckled lightly at his reaction.

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