Chapter 22

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Greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 22 of TAOSY ^_^ Hope you'll like it

This chapter is dedicated to Zeus_Apostle :) 

---> Ethan and Adam's hot position

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Adam's POV

Did I Make Myself Clear?

After watching the practice, Gabe and I just chilling out in their house with bottles of beer and snacks on the table while playing video games. Gabe was making weird sounds while munching his chips and his body swayed accordingly to the game.

"Die Zombiesss... you moda fucka!!!" He tapped his console furiously. A chuckle passed my lips then my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Looking on the screen, my lips formed a wide grin without permission after seeing who texted me. It was message from Ethan.

Ethan: Come at my house. I need to clear something up.

Me: Can't u just say it here?

Ethan: I can't. No more questions, just go here. NOW!

Me: I'll be there in 15

Glancing at my watch, it's almost 8 pm. I got up from my seat and Gabe looked up at me after pausing the game. "Where you goin' man?" He asked with whiny voice.

"Gonna meet someone" I answered as I prepared to leave.

"Tell me who's this chick and why so important to see her?" Gabe nosily inquired, leaning forward with his eyebrow raised.

"'G'night buddy..." I smiled at him hideously before heading outside. His jaw dropped with silent word what and left him with his comical expression.

I climbed on my sweet motorbike then headed to my destination. The cold air swooshed passed me as the speedometer kicked to 60. Ethan lives in a private village not so far from the school. My bike entered the entrance into their neighborhood and I slowed down a bit. I've been here few times and I thought Ethan or someone was throwing a party. Maybe he really just wanted to talk.

The time in my phone indicated I came here faster than I thought. Perhaps I'm just excited to see him again. I texted Ethan I was already outside their house and the gate opened after few moments. I got inside and parked my bike to their basement garage. The door to my left opened which is connected to their kitchen as I remembered.

Ethan stood on the doorframe looking hot as ever with just his short and tank top showing his bulging arms and pecs. Setting my helmet and gloves down on my bike, I walked toward him slowly. When my eyes met his own, I know something is different. I can feel it. He was burning cold. His façade was blank as usual, but dangerously empty this one.

I gulped. My heart beats faster and fear coarse through me. Different reasons shuffled in my mind. But somehow, I find his expression and piercing coldness always attractive... very. The way his midnight blue scanned my body like an x-ray made my every fiber shuddered in response. What did I do?

When his eyes moved back to my face, it's like the time stood still in space between us. I was frozen in my spot. His burning aura was consuming me. And I couldn't deny it, I wanted him to succumbed me. Ethan walked precisely toward me, like a moving avalanche. Ready to destroy the last ounce of my strength.

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