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Paper heard beeping. meaning it was time for rehearsal, so he walked out of his room looking gloomy.

A blurry vision have wafted above him, he felt himself turn pale but he continued walking to the stage.

Salt noticed him and walked beside him “Hey, I know like we don't normally get along but are you okay?” Salt asked genuinely. “I don't know.” Paper left going in the main area first.

The others arrived, now it's time for OJ's revival. He glanced over at them and grinned “I see you all aren't late!” he chuckled.

Typical. Surely, he won't go hard on them right?

“I want you all to dance. Dance with sync, now who should go in front...” OJ squinted his eyes. All of them were trembling, none of them wanted to go first.

“YOU!” Bomb flinched as OJ called out his name. He stood infront of them thinking of a dance.

He did a hockey pocky dance as the others followed him, he tripped a little and the music stopped.

“Did you just... mess up?” OJ growled, now Bomb was the one who turned pale. “I-Im sorry it's just my first ti—” Before he could even finish his sentence, his left arm was stabbed.

Bomb screamed in pain. The others were shocked and looked at his bleeding arm carefully, they obviously didn't want to get hurt too.

“Such pussies. Oh, it's 5:30...BREAK TIME!” OJ yelled out happily. The others ran away, carrying Bomb.

Bombs eyes were bloodshot red. He was trembling, he's scared. They are all scared.

Pickle got down on his knees and started crying “Do you ever think we're gonna get back to our normal lives, Pepper? do you ever—” Pepper shushed him, hugging him.

“There's no hope.” She said confidently. Pickle hugged her back and started tugging her shirt, letting out his tears.

And with that, Salt started laughing. “No... OJ would never do this to me... NEVER!” The soft whispering of OJ made her drive insane.

“He'll say that this is a prank right? He loves me, he CARES about me!” Salt glanced at them all, her eyes looked terrified and the eyebrows were raised.

“Stop this nonsense...” Paper stepped in.

“We're gonna be here for a while.”

(Wow, can't believe it's 4am and im that excited to release a new chapter)

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now