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(A/N: Woah, 84 reads already? Thank you all!! I didn't really expect this to kind of blow up.)

Log Date: They have been getting weak, their bodies keep trembling whenever they run fast or do things I order them too. They keep passing out which is annoying, I have to keep giving them this drug that keeps them alive. Thanks Test tube for the idea!

OJ stopped the recording, he looked up at the ceiling and grinned. It wasn't empty anymore now it's filled with stars.

The subjects woke up at different times, but all of them performed together. OJ was pleased, they were appalled.

They were all visibly sad... This wasn't what OJ expected. They all were dozing out, their eyes were baggy and seemed soaked from crying.

Pickle kept murmuring the name “Knife” while Salt kept crying 24/7, Bomb and Pepper seemed normal but Paper was clearly depressed.

Paper was in his ward, he cried himself to sleep last night, he didn't want to get hurt. None of them did.

OJ walked up to the giant glass window. He seemed a bit disappointed. “You disgust me.” He exaggerated.

Paper felt like crying again, but he stopped his tears from appearing. “OJ— Please it's not only me—” OJ laughed, Paper was shocked.

“Is this some sick joke to you!?”

“I suppose so.”

“Do you either want to get killed or obey me?” OJ grinned.

Paper didn't want none of those options. But he had to choose, or else OJ will pick for him.

“Obey you...” Paper pouted. “Good.” OJ walked away, leaving Paper's room.

Salt fiddled her fingers in boredom. She was imagining scenarios where OJ would spare her and kill the others, surely that would happen right?

Typical. It won't.

“Hi Salt!” OJ was in her room and sat right next to her, she was blushing really hard.

“OJ! You came back for me!” She held his hands tight, he smiled back when she smiled out of joy.

OJ had an idea, his idea was to love Salt as a joke and kill her after. Yes, what a perfect idea!

“Salt... I've been meaning to tell you this for a while...” Salt turned really red like a tomato. She knew what he was going to say but stayed curious.

“I... love.... you.” After OJ said that, he kissed her. She kissed back. He was completely disgusted in himself but that was the only way to trick her.

OJ pulled out so that both of them could breathe, despite Salt wanting to kiss him again she wanted to breathe too.

“Alright, I have to go. See you later... l-love.” OJ left her room and gagged, he didn't like the idea.

OJ then entered Bombs room and saw...

No, this wasn't suppose to happen... This wasn't suppose to happen...! WAKE UP YOU BITCH! YOU STILL NEED TO PERFORM!


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now