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“I'm afraid it's been done long enough since. I refuse to let this happen to anyone, especially for me. Let me introduce myself.

I am OJ. Worker and founder of Hotel OJ, I was a normal guy and was really good at making friends, until things had changed. I started to become selfish and intrigue about my thoughts and my own feelings, it hurt others and I wasn't listening to the room. Because of this, I have lost the the trust they gained to me, instead of throwing myself out i just work outside of the box.

All in favor or changing myself.

Im sorry for creating this kind.”


The tape had ended as OJ driftly watches himself repeat the same thing, it was slowly hurting him as the tape goes on. Complaints were alot, even for him. He internally beat himself up, why did he think he could handle it? He asks himself always why he turned into this monster, he caught his attention on his arm shaking anxiously. He bit his lip and glanced at the tape again, he opened his lips to say something.

“I am doing something wrong...”
OJ said, looking at the repeating tape, he huffed and sweated as he watched the next and next video tape over and over again until he reached the last one. It was dusty, and not the same as the others. He inserted the tape and it didn't play for a moment. He thought it was broken, quickly interrupted, the tape played.

“Are you watching? Okay, if you ever see this when you snap out, it's best to just end it. Nobody will forgive you, nobody will ever believe your lies. You are alone and you have ruined your reputation at becoming a business man. You are not a great friend, have you ever realized Papers feelings for you? For me, atleast. So if you ever see this... you've turned into a monster.”

Forgiveness? he thought to himself, he circled around his mind filled with brim and anxiety. He's a terrible person, no, he's been a terrible person forever. Why did he realize that now? He had his future prepared, he had his past work out, why now?!

Why now must he go crazy?!


Nonetheless, he still did it.

OJ didn't want to cause any problems anymore. Atleast, to him... So he took out one last smile and—

TBC (leave theories!!)

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now