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Suddenly, his eyes opened. and he found himself in the middle of the darkness once again, it was dark, but there was spare light and a moonless night. The first thing that comes to his mind is what has happened and how did he get here? he could hear muffled chattering, he knew he was trapped again. But that seemed like an assumption, Paper shrugged his thoughts. He did not know where to run or what to do, all he could do was stare at the blank room. 

Paper heard the door creak open as he saw a tall, blonde, genuine object. It was Trophy, Paper tried to release his legs from the strong tiredness but he just couldn't. He tiredly sighed and glanced to Trophy who was walking towards him and was sitting beside him afterwards. It was a dark night, nothing was heard except the wind through the window. Trophy then gripped the sheets and began to open his mouth to speak.

"You've been here forever. It's been a week now."

The sirens grew through Papers ears as he opened his eyes widely, but the more he wanted to ignore it, it was growning more. He looked around for anything to distract himself with but there was nothing as the room was almost empty. He was still confused as to what this place was, but there was nothing except for picture frames and a bed. Paper then glanced at Trophy with a worried face, sweating through his palms. "What do you mean...?"

"What are you on? don't you realize whats going on?"
Trophy said, silently looking at him. The sirens even grew more louder as Paper shrieked through his mind. Slowly, he grew even more nervous and began to grip the bed sheet with all his strengh. A week? Paper thought to himself. While he kept on thinking, Trophy began to tilt his head down not making eye contact with Paper anymore.

"Trophy, just leave it!"

"Im worried for you! why wont you just-?!"

Before he could even complete his sentence, the door creaked once again. Both boys weren't familiar on who it was or what it was, but they stayed completely silent, not continuing their conversation. The figure was quite tall, but short. It had a beautiful face and blonde bright hair once again. "Heey, yellow pal!" Lightbulb said, winking at Trophy not paying attention to Paper. "Lightbulb what the hell are you doing here?" Trophy said, silently glaring at her.

"Just wanted to check up on my pals! buddies! we're pals, right...?"

"Have we met before?" Paper said with blank eyes.

Lightbulb said, widening her eyes. as she stood straight, thinking what was going on, she fiddled with her fingers to bring her some support. "Paper... it's me, your old pal! L-Lightbulb?" She said, shrugging her negative thoughts. "Never heard of that." Paper said, looking back at Trophy. Now Lightbulb was confused, she couldn't speak as well. What was going on? why does he not remember her? didn't he compete with her before and get stuck on idiotic island together? how does he not remember her?!

"N-Nevermind that, nice to see you. Bye..." Lightbulb said, before exiting the room.

"How do you not remember her?" Trophy asked.

"Simple. I just dont, my memory loss is just getting stronger." Paper said, tapping his head.


TO BE CONTINUED (Really sorry for less chapters and less words, I have grown so very burnt out of writing on a story and have been waiting for new projects to make. It's hard to continue updating a story that just doesn't reasonate with you anymore, but that doesnt mean its cancelled. The end is still far. The journey will still keep going.)

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now