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Paper saw the rope lying on the ground. He can't help but grab it and just end it all, it was... uncertain. He glanced side to side before grabbing the rope.

He immediately went towards the rope and grabbed it. Paper didn't know how this worked, but his only choice is to die at this point.

He took one last breathe and grabbed a chair, he slowly tied the rope to his neck... BANG!

“THE FUCK IS THIS!?” It was OJ. Paper freaked out and felt a shiver in his spine, he was somehow scared of OJ more than death.

“You know what this is. I am tired of you mistreating us!” OJ laughed and grinned at him, Paper wasn't used to this, but to anyone else, they'd stand up to him.

“That's funny.”

“What's funny?”

“Your joke, about me mistreating you.”

Paper now looked mad. He stared at OJ grinning at him, he had this sudden urge to punch him.

Fighting was hard for Paper, he's fragile, he'd get bullied for it. Judging by his every movement Trophy would easily beat him up.

“Pathetic.” OJ helped Paper get the rope off his neck and walked out of the room, leaving Paper alone.

Paper looked empty. His complete face was empty, but eventually he walked out of the room putting on a fake good impression.

He looked around and spot Pepper with a bruise on her eye, he ran up to her and hugged her. He let go of the hug.

“OJ, right?” Pepper nodded and wiped her tears, he didn't know what OJ was thinking. He braced himself for impact and hugged her again.

He let her cry on his shoulder while they were hugging, she needed this comfort. He wishes that was him but he cares for others more than him.

Moments after, Pepper walked off leaving Paper in the hallway again... A hall so dark and gloomy, sat Paper fake smiling his way.

Paper eventually saw a boy walking down the hallway.

“Dude, you alright?” It was Pickle, Paper looked at him with a pure smile, He stood up and nodded.

Papers eyes were baggy... his spark in his eyes were gone, it wasn't the same anymore. This has changed him.

“You can leave now.” Salt appeared, Pickle shrugged and walked away. Salt then looked at Paper who was still smiling.

“Paper, look... You aren't okay.” She said. Paper ignored her and lifted his head up, “Paper— fuck whatever.” hating the awkward atmosphere, she left.

Tears were falling down Papers cheeks but he continued to smile. Like he was coerced to smile forever, but was it possible?

Was he? No, it can't be.

Paper looked up and saw OJ smiling at him. “Look at you, you're useless.” OJ laughed. Paper didn't say anything about it... his face was very empty, and so blank.

OJ then started to kick Paper many times. Paper was sobbing but still smiled, OJ's laughter was heard down by the hallway. Nobody came out.


I only i said it'll be long but i forgot how to write stories

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now