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this chapter is obviously not a ship chapter and oj doesnt canonically obsess over mephoneLMFAOA i just had a stupid idea sorry brah

Footsteps dash through the grass. Mephone lifted both of his hands up and smiled, waving at the viewers with his big wide smile. "Greetings and salutations! I am your host, MePhone4." Mephone happily greeted as he gets close to the camera, while he does that OJ was watching observing the phone from afar. Wow, it was his first time and he was already excited. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. OJ thought but dared not to speak, Inanimate Insanity is a show where objects compete for a chance to win 1 million dollars! OJ was amused by that at first, but when he saw the actual prize he was fascinated and was devastated to win. 

OJ looked at the other side of the island - full. The other side, full. The corner of the tree was just him clinging onto it while watching the phone introduce himself and explain the rules of the game and the show, he found it so interesting but decided to act cool. He sat up and watched the sunny day watch him from above. Given a chance, he stood with the crowd of objects looking confused and happy. Some were tall, some were short, some looked like idiots. 

If only OJ had a chance to speak up. 

But after Mephone crashed his hotel, he just snapped.

Here they are now.

The taller boy navigated through the darkness with a hand covering his shot arm to lessen the blood. OJ enquired, looking at Mephones bright blue eyes thts been giving light to the very dark room they are both in. "What are you waiting for? you SCARED?!" OJ laughed, Mephone gritted his teeth with a hand outstretched to grip OJ's shirt. His head throbbled, no matter how many times he had to act and stretch out. It was no use, he can't do it.

"You have to wait."

"Aww...! I have to wait until his screen is actually FULLY cracked!"

Mephone squeezed OJ's hand tightly to made sure it hurt him. He widened his eyes with a blank face with such closure. OJ grinned with excitement, he felt like bursting into laughter because he found the phones painful amusement so funny. He let out a gruelling sigh and stood up by himself, still making his other hand support his arm. He still grinned - grinned the same way as he did before, Mephone picked himself up and they both glared at eachother with different emotions. He can feel his heartbeat over his skin, he can feel his breathing over his skin. Each breathe he takes is a brand new beginning - maybe to OJ. OJ observed Mephone one last time, such a different person. OJ thought but dared not to speak.

"Do you admit of my murder and YOUR screen?"

Mephone didn't reply but hesitantly squeezed his hand again and punched him directly at the face. OJ fell back, laughing that he felt tears coming to his eyes and falling over his cheeks. Mephone couldn't deal with his shit anymore so he left, he was outside of the room now. It was a complete mystery to what the juice meant, his memory has been getting worse over and over since his screen crack - it shit. So distracted by his reflection of a coward thats slowly being brainwashed everday and at the end of his skull.

Mephone questioned himself, why must he go on?


His screen rang.



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