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“Hello, My name is OJ! I am a winner and former contestant of Inanimate Insanity and I run this hotel!” The juice once said.

He used to be so friendly and pure, but that all changed when he lost millions of money.

He had an idea of opening a circus and violently abusing his workers.

Now that's all gone.

OJ tore his eyes away from the blurryness and lifted his head up, he's alive. He survived.

“Hm...” OJ hummed, trying to remember what exactly happened.

Then it hit him. Mephone shot him.

“Hah, he thought it was over?” OJ chuckled. He stumbled back, looking at the ceiling who was filled with small bullets.

He tried to get up on his feet but it was no use... he was weak, useless and filled with pain.

OJ slightly groaned. But eventually, he stood up but his legs were trembling.

“Now, how long has it been?” He began counting with his fingers.

It took a moment, but soon the realization will hit him. It's been 1 year since the incident.

“Bullshit.” Here, he stood on a empty abandoned hallway trapped and lost. It was the worst, since it wasn't as clean as it was before.

OJ had waited for so long at this moment. Once, he tried to kill himself to see if he'd actually survive. Now he's walking like nothing happened.

OJ reaches for the exit...


The hotel was having a party with all the contestants, they were all cherishing this moment and danced when they had the chance.

“Can you pass me that beer?” Trophy said, glancing at Soap. “You've drank too much already!” She complained.

Trophy just laughed at her and started teasing her.

Meanwhile, Paper was all happy and genuine now. He had started making more interactions with the others and it was great.

Currently, he's talking with the main hotel oj residents. Pickle, Bomb, Salt and Pepper.

“Haha! And then I was all angry and kicked him in the balls!” Paper laughed, with the others following behind him laughing at his joke.

“Sooo... how are you guys?” Pepper asked, she remembered that all of them didn't interact alot and showed genuine care before the incident.

Most of them said they were okay, some were doing great.

“Well! Atleast we're-” Before Salt could even finish her sentence, a shattered glass sound was heard.

“What was that?!”

Mumbling to himself, Paper just felt another trauma comeback to him... weaving around the people surrounding the situation, he was just there.

He probably shouldn't have been, since he's just gonna remind himself of his past self. worthless. weak. afraid.

A person entered the window and made a familiar appearance. That familiar person lifted their head up and smiled.

“OJ...?” Paper stuttered. He stopped for a moment, thinking about what's happening right now.

Papers thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he felt OJ lift his chin up. He felt uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

“Little Paper is having trouble with his look.” OJ chuckled, now that made Paper mad.

His eyes were flashing yellow and were widened a bit, the eyes looked realistic and scary.

“Paper, i'll handle thi-” Pickle got cut off by Paper.



Papers eyes were now yellow. The complaints of Paper were mumbled and he was just laughing at the whole situation, it's weird.

Really weird.


OJ is back! and yes, the story felt really incomplete so i have decided to take things a little more long and post maybe 2-5 chapters?

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now