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OJ laughed as Knife and Microphone violently shake Taco to ses if shes actually dead or not.

"She's dead, can't you move on?" OJ angrily said, exaggerating. Knife stood up and pushed OJ to the ground, OJ just smiled while trying to cover his scrapped knee. I

"How can we move on if YOU were the one who killed her!?" Knife yelled out. OJ then replied with laughing and crying out tears. Knife just continued kicking him angrily.

"KNIFE STOP!" Knife ignored Mic and kept kicking OJ in anger. He couldn't speak, he just laughed in pain like a psycho. Fucking weirdo...

Minutes later, now OJ passed out. His mouth had a bit of blood but he's still breathing, covered in scraps, Knife dropped down on his knees and started to cry again.

"I didn't want to.. I didn't... he didn't used to be like this!" Knife cried. Paper just stood there, traumatized. He couldn't even move.. he just was just there in the distance watching Knife cry his eyes out.

Taco here, was just dead. She didn't move at all.

Well, for starters, MePhone4 is back and is clueless about any of this at all. He probably wants to start a new season too with fan favorites.

Recover is now possible! But it isn't if they were still in this place...

Salt glanced at OJ, passed out on the ground. She looked devastated to pick him up and hug him in her arms. But she still had a sense that OJ would just hurt her more, she wouldn't mind right?

She tried to grab OJ with her shaking and trembling body. But she miserably failed as TT grabbed her hand, giving her a shot with an injection.

"You need some rest."

Pepper ran to Salt and started hugging her, crying.

TT saw a smoke coming to her eyes. She covered her eyes, squinting them. Then her eyes lead to Paper, Microphone and Knife murdered and OJ gone.

"What the-" Before she could even finish her sentence; she was knocked out by glass leading her to her fall.


"Such idiotic minds."

OJ started laughing, dropping down to his knees.

Mephone smiled and let out a deep inhale then exhaled, what a beauty this place has been these couple of weeks.

A tiny leaf fell beneath the tree and landed on MePhones hand. Grinning and chuckling, the phone went to the forest to check his contestants.

"Hey gang! im ba- huh?" The phone found all of them looking sad, and somewhat crying. The phone looked confused, but curious to find out what was going on.

"Where were you?!" Balloon yelled. Mephone scratched his head and chuckled: "On my vacation! didn't you remember?"

All of them looked at him, Mephone felt awkward and bit his lip. Then, Nickel stepped in to speak. He let out a deep breath before speaking...

"OJ is out on a killing spree, he is violent and we don't know why, he's currently holding pickle, knife, tt, salt, pepper, salt bomb and paper hostage and they are all probably dead."


Balloon ruffled Nickels head, smiling and they both walked away. MePhone just stood there trying to progress what Nickel had explained.

"I can just recover them?"

"No... We need to kill OJ himself first. H-he has Testy and its just... not the same without her!" Fan cried out, with Lightbulb comforting him.

"Alright, tonight we will sneak out and find OJ." Baseball said, with Suitcase nodding to his words.

Such friendship! Next chapter will be soon, you have to wait maybe 2 days. It's an important chapter.


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now