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(A/N 1k special! so of course this is gonna be long!)

Something just doesn't feel right... After they all spotted the place OJ was in, it just made feel some of them dizzy or such.

In some way, however: they'll make it through the easy way.

“Man, what is that smell?” Trophy complained, the odor was spreading all over the place and it felt heavy. Really heavy...

“I'll go check it out.” Soap said.

Soap got her facemask and wore her gloves and went straight to the circus. When she entered she found chairs, swings, bars and much more covered in blood.

She continued wandering around then she stumbled onto a secret passage way.

Then her eyes lead to three people laying on the floor, rotting and dead. She was trembling she was scared.

She looked at her back seeing that the door was closed shut.

“Damn it!” Soap panicked.

Luckily, she had her trusty hair pin, but she curiously still wanted to explore.

She walked around down the hallways seeing wards around the place. Scared she was, she still devastated to explore even more.

Until she saw one specific room.

' Office. '

She sighed and opened the door with one eye pried open, her eyes led to a wide awake OJ, charging a gun at her.

“OJ..?” Soap stuttered.

“Hello, Soap.” OJ greeted. Then, he charged his gun to her neck and was playing with the trigger. Things were happening so fast, Soap was sweating and praying that OJ will let her go.

“Why are you... doing this?!” Soap glanced at him.


“It's just the hotel manager in me.” He pulled the trigger and shot Soap in the neck, leading her to her fall.


Loud gunshots were heard outside, others suspected it was who died Soap, others suspected it was OJ who dead.

The look Tissues gave made himself more anxious. He wasn't ready to die yet, he still wasn't ready to fight.

While Cheesy was just.. feeling guilty. He gave the circus to OJ, his own creation, just to not get murdered.

That was the peak.

Fan was looking around until he noticed a mysterious figure dragging a body.

“Uh.. guys?” He tried to speak.

They all looked closely and..

Soap. Soap was dead, and her rotting body was getting dragged by OJ.

Trophy got down on his knees and started crying, his only friend, Soap. Got murdered.

“It's gonna be okay! she'll be alive in no time! right..?” Cheesy said, comforting his boyfriend.

“Who's going next?” Paintbrush asked. Their expression was irritated when nobody raised volunteered, so they decided that they will go.

As Paintbrush entered the circus, the place seemed so oddly quiet. All the initial gunshots just calmed down.

As they slowly crept up to the secret passage way he heard laughing in a room. “The hell..”Low panic in their voice.

They lend their ear to the door and listened carefully.

No, stop! please don't hurt me! NO! PLEASE! IM BEGGING Y—

The yelling stopped. He's dead. Pickle is dead.

Paintbrushes eyes widened and covered their mouth, finding a room to hide in as they heard OJs footsteps coming out of the room.

Luckily, they found a ward.

They got in and started panicking and murmuring things. It's so painfully silent, this place just makes them go insane.

Like it's a death factory.

“I know you're in here!” OJ said, echoing his voice down the hallway. Paintbrush then hid inside of the closet and covered their mouth. Their chest was heavy, their heart was pounding.

They are not gonna make it.



HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now