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Before OJ went all madness, he was a really sweet and generous person, he helped others in need and was very caring.

But when he started gaining these... emotions it just changed him. It's just not KNEE SLAP him. That isn't OJ anymore.

Paper lifted his head up and reached for the ceiling. He stretched his arms and put them down, he misses the hotel.

It wasn't the same anymore. It was rough and uncomfortable, after multiple shows Paper just went depressed.

He was imagining all the times when he was still in Hotel OJ. Such comfy beds and such luxurious rooms... Of course, the sweet people too.


Hotel OJ is a nice place where eliminated contestants get to stay. While it may look small, it's a huge place for objects to relax and chill. OJ was the owner of the hotel while Paper was his best man.

Paper stood by the windows of OJ's office in the hotel, it was a sunny bright day. He felt like smiling and singing about how great the day is but that feeling just disappeared.

He looked around the office and spot a rotten cookie. It was MePhones cookie! Looks like OJ kept it as a treasure.

Paper sighed and walked out of the office, exhausted and lost. Test tube walked up to him and asked him where OJ was.

Paper didn't say anything, his face was.. empty. He looked sad, as he continued to ignore Test tube. Eventually she left and Paper was there all alone on the couch.

“I wish i can be as good as you...” Paper hummed. He sighed, as he moved his eyes towards to a portrait of OJ.

He never felt himself like this. Usually he's just all stubborn and friendly but he was never a jealous person, now he is.

Now it's raining. Rain means water, and water means danger for Paper.

“God, who am i kidding.” Paper chuckled. He put his palm onto his face and continued laughing. It was raining quite heavily, he just kept ignoring it.

In a room that is dark and colorful, slept OJ on his bed. He was sound asleep due to working all day.

Everytime OJ was exhausted he'd always take a nap and he'd wake up at around past 11:00pm, it was a weird habit but he was used to it.

He moved from side to side, changing positions as he slept peacefully not noticing he was moving all around.

Eventually, he woke up by Soap opening the door. “Ugh.. what time is it?” OJ groaned. “Sorry if i woke you up! But is it okay if i clean your room?” Soap asked.

Despite OJ being tired, his room was really dirty so he didn't have a choice. He nodded and left his room leaving Soap to clean his room.


Paper just stood by the side. He misses his old friend, he misses his genuine smile. In fact, he admired him. Now he was trying to kill him.

Those feelings were gone for him, he felt like crying again. No, he is going to cry.

Paper crouched and cried. He sobbed all night, he was tired from living like this he didn't want this anymore.

Then he saw the rope.


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now