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"It's you, isn't it?"

Pickle looked absolutely murderous, Test tube then took a step back and chuckled nervously. She then was stuck between a dead end with Pickle glaring down at her, she didn't know what to do. She looked everywhere, nervously fiddling with her fingers as she doesn't understand what's going on. "You got it all wrong!"  Test tube yelled. Pickle paused, standing in front of her whom looked up at her. "Go on..."  Pickle hissed. Test tube shrunk into the tree, cupping her hands together. Then she looked up at Pickle. "You remember my recovery machine, right? and you looked around and you NEVER saw a signature!"

Pickle paused then thought of the situation. What if she wasn't lying? 

He shook his head and let out a sigh, restraining his anger. He lent out his hand to her asking for a handshake, Test tube gasped and accepted the offer. The two contestants continued wandering around the woods to find other people wandering like them. Test tube then glanced at the distraught boy, she weakly frowned. She sighed - what would she do to gain his trust back? She doesn't know how and why she was framed- there must've been a reason. She then choked out, a horrible pain in her stomach plunged through her chest. Pickle stopped walking and began to check up on her, she coughed up blood and her vision started to go blurry. "Test tube?! s-speak to me!"  He pleaded as he lifted her head up. Test tube stared at the gamer. At the top of his lungs, she let out a horrible scream. The pain started aching and hurting more- what has caused this?  


"I believe I'm responsible for this."

A glitchy voice was heard in the distance.

Pickle turned his head back to the static voice, Mephone smiled at him from afar. His screen was ruined, and his voice seemed so weird- it wasn't like him at all, but he shrugged it off. He continued abruptly watching the phone and couldn't keep his eyes off him, then- Mephone sprinted and attempted to stab Pickle in the neck, but he defended himself. Thankfully, the phone felt his screen glitch and he let out a visceral scream at the top of his lungs. This was it- now's their chance to run away! Pickle picked himself up with Test tube in his arms and ran away, leaving the phone in pain.

"Stop d-d-d- GHH- doing this to me...!"

"But I need you for this, Mephone! won't you do it for your own creator and me..?"

The present pain calmed down, and Mephone sighed. 



"It's going to be okay...I promise, Test tube."


"I know you are fine."

"Silent treatment, huh?"


Piles of blood were on Pickles hands, Test tubes chest and the ground.

Test tube didn't respond to the pleas from her friend, but laid there, piles of blood dripping on her stomach to the ground. Pickle shook his head- he already lost his boyfriend and now he couldn't lose another friend! he had to do something; stat. Pickle felt himself burst into tears as he coughed up blood and kept laughing to himself- this was it. This was the end; this was the end of his journey. He fought for so long and yet... the world just gave up on him. It's soo... funny! Later on, the boy just sat there still watching his bloody friend unconscious and slowly dying. 

S o Me Ti MEs iT cA n mA ke y OU g O iN SAN E







"Oh- Pickle- never knew you were here."

Pickle stumbled back and looked at the tall blonde boy. He was huddled with an average tall boy who was also surprised to see him here, sitting down miserably with a body beneath his arms. He trembled a bit, then cowered. "How long have you been here?"  Trophy asked. He focused on Pickle then the body he was holding- huh, that seemed a bit familiar. He then took a closer look and widened his eyes to see it was Test tube. "Pickle...did you...?"


No response.

He felt... a little disturbed.

"No, she was murdered by..."

Pickle struggled with his words; he couldn't keep up with all this nonsense around him and he felt the world shake beneath his unstable trembling legs. He really didn't want anyone to know- at least, his mouth didn't. He let out a big sigh and stared at both boys who were huddled up together. "She was killed by your one and only- Mephone4." Trophy then looked at Paper, with Paper doing the same. Both their eyes widened with terror and agony sweeping through their eyes- it was painful, it was so unexpected that they couldn't speak.

Not a single word.

"Haha...Mephone wouldn't! right...?" Paper nudged Trophy with him nodding to his words.

"Oh, but he did. Saw it with my own eyes." Pickle responded back.

Both boys didn't know what to say, so, they went with the flow.


"So stubborn today, is there anything on your mind, MePhone4?"

Mephone eventually got used to the static and continued walking around with OJ- flailing his arms around him. OJ grunted, and stopped Mephones actions. "Why not answer my questions FIRST?" OJ hissed, Mephone felt a shiver down his spine- he gulped and looked back at OJ. He wanted this to hurry up, but he didn't want any more glitches or "controlling"


"Oh, great!"

Mephone was so easy to manipulate and use- at least to OJ he was, he'd gotten even more stubborn and afraid of him ever since. Oh, it was a dream. He even thinks he's more money worthy! OJ gave Mephone his normal smug while he just weakly smiled. Following directions was great for Mephone, but he just felt so manipulated. He couldn't do anything about it though- or else he'll get permanently destroyed, no more life. He just let's OJ get away with anything he does, especially if its considered controlling his own system.

It's so ...

g R eA T.


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