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“What a relief.” OJ sighed. It was 5 in the morning, everyone was still asleep for what he's seen. So he decided to sneak out.

The soft light beams the window, striking down upon the bottom of the floor. The juice sighed, and grabbed a kitchen knife.

His fake self just seems to go and take over his mouth. Every word he says, fake. Every action he does, fake.

Somehow and some anyway, half of the people believe him. Some don't but he honestly doesn't bother to care.

OJ laughed to himself again, he held the kitchen knife to his hand and stabbed another picture frame.

“Uhh.. OJ?” Fan stepped in.

“O-Oh! Good morning, Fan!”

Laughing tiredly, Fan didn't even bother to ask and walkes away returning to his own personal room.

OJ sighed, he glanced at the knife and returned it to its own place. Why wouldn't he? Someone would get suspicious.

Life is full of surprises, but not for OJ. Life is like some video game he can play with and win with, he thinks it's a prize.

“Hey OJ! What are you up to?” Paper asked. OJ softly looked and smiled at him and hugged him to the side of his shoulder.


They both melted into the cold wind and looked at the window. OJs gentle look at the birds at the sky and searching for food, beautiful.

“Aren't the birds so beautiful, Paper?”


He felt like shooting them.

Paper nodded to his words and melted into OJs warm touch around his shoulder, he felt himself turn red.

While OJ was trying to get away from Paper but his plan wouldn't work, he had to act through it, or else he'd be kicked out.

The moment just seemed to go as they were just glancing through the boring window. The both males were just staring at the screen, watching the view.

Sighing tiredly, Paper rested on OJs arms and interwined with this warm hands. OJ was now dead.

“Shit.” OJ said underneath his breathe. He tried to move Paper but he kept clinging onto him, so OJ was doomed.

“H-Hey! I'll head back to my room, you should too!” Said OJ letting go.

“Oh, alright.” Paper smiled.

Grumbling to himself, OJ walked away leaving Paper behind. He hated everything about this.

“I hope that fucking bitch dies and—”

While OJ complains, his words were muffled through while the credits scroll in. TO BE CONTINUED

epic😎😎 new chapter tomorrow or later

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now