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This chapter takes place in a scene where it was unused in the chapter TALK, if you don't remember anything in that chapter basically OJ and Paper argue.

OJ wasn't troubled at all. Why should be he? 

He had perfect solid of money and made great opportunities in the world; he jumped in immediately. He followed what his head told him to do and made success in life, but how did he ever do that? simple, he held his so called friends hostage and made them perform rotten often. He didn't even think straight about it, he was impulsive, after all. There was no reason for him to stick to his bankruptcy life and lose all his hopes and future, he couldn't. He would never. He was just doing what's best for him, clearly anyone else would've done the same.


And so, OJ continues with his life. After tonight's show he went back to Papers personal ward and decided to give him a friendly chat and gaslight on how "great" he was tonight. Paper was here, crying his absolute shit by himself. He had no one and the walls were soundproof, he had no one to talk to except for OJ. He walked into Papers ward and stared at him, sitting beside him on his bed.

"Why such a long face? you did great tonight!"

Eventually, he saw Paper snap and decided not to respond. That made OJ mad but dared not to fight back, as he says that he isn't in the mood for arguing right now. Which was weird for the usually shy and kind boy, whatever. It's not like he cares anyway - he never cares about his feelings. After a long while, Paper looked back at him and looked so soulless, watching from his window eye. "Great? what's great is me getting out of this menace." Paper snapped. 

Paper was an interesting one compared to the others. He had been nothing but weak at first, but as the weeks go on, he started becoming more aggressive and more loud than usual. That made OJ excited and like his fascinating personality more, he was fun to be around, just for analysis and experiments though. He liked Paper, he was just so exciting to him. OJ stared at Paper, who paused in the bed, looking back at him with an oddly irritated expression. OJ gave his usual grin and quietly giggled.

"Such a funny joke."

Immediately, Paper turned his head back.

OJ scoffed, before becoming more stiffer to Paper who looked absolutely amusing to him.  He watched as his eyes squint and his teeth grit in anger, gripping the sheets of his own bed. Immediately, he turned back and began to widen his eyes to OJ then opened his mouth to speak; "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! YOU NEVER TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!"  Paper yelled out. OJ stood up, still looking at him with a smile and hands on his back. He quickly snapped and leaned towards to him. "Oh, don't be like that sweet Paper."


OJ took a step back and was confused. Why? Why was he so mad over a gentle tone? He went to try and grab his hand, but Paper slapped it away as both of their hands made close contact. He also stood up and let out a heavy breath. After a few seconds of them staring at each other, Paper squeezed his own hand tightly and widened his eyes once again, he looked really mad. "You're just imagining things in your own fantasy."

OJ was highly offended.

"Fantasy? oh, come on! we are both the same here!"

"Of course...I should've known, but do you think that we are both levels on here right now?"
Paper runs his fingers through his hair and began to chuckle. The sound of angriness is so sweet, yet so tempting. He was now nothing but a jar full of rotten sweets that have been sitting there for such a long time, OJ was supposed to speak but Paper cut him off. "Take a guess on why we both are here right now."

"Just forget it-"


The noise died down, and suddenly Papers yelling seemed so real than before. At this point, OJ couldn't even think of an amusing sentence to defend himself. How was he supposed to react to that? this was all driving him nuts, and he doesn't even have the energy to continue this. But he has no other choice but to stay, he took a step forward, but Paper took a step back almost bursting into actual tears, but he held it back. He made things so difficult for the both of them. 

"I loved you; I adored you! and this - this is the person you've decided to be?!"

OJ's mouth dried as he watched Papers tears fall under his cheek. He didn't know what to do, usually he'd come up with something to defend himself but in this situation, he just froze and watched as Paper yell about how he felt about him. Who cares? Not OJ, away from the past and away from the world. He just wants this to end, but Paper just keeps making this difficult and hard to communicate. He wanted to fight back, but there was nothing he could do but just watch.

"Look. We are friends here, and-"

"Are we even anymore?"

Before OJ could even react, Paper pushed him out his ward and slammed the door shut, locking him out. OJ widened his eyes and rubbed his eyes to see if he was dreaming or not, wow - he really wasn't. But why does he care? isn't he just using him for his reputation and his successful business? whatever, he's useless anyway. OJ disappeared from the hallway nd went back to his personal bedroom.


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