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Pickle stood up straight, wiping the left-over blood on his head. He looked over Test tube who was still fixing her own machine and cleaning the dust on it, giving everything she could to make it perfect. He smiled while she wasn't looking and he walked over her, tapping her shoulder. Test tube looked behind her back and glanced at Pickle - confused. "Do you need anything?" she asked, he then opened his mouth to speak while he cluelessly fiddled his fingers. "I just want to say...uh...thanks for- whatever what happened with me." he chuckled. Test tube then smiled and gave him a thumbs up. 

The scary thoughts spread like a weed, and he's scared of 'dying' again. By the familiar stage he was on in the past, he detested. Everything was the worst and he kept getting those injections from a person he was friends with before, such good moments. They say that it gets better - but I guess it was a lie, but unsurprisingly - it didn't. He noted on how many incidents he has witnessed or experienced. Now he's here, a boy waking up from his unconsciousness realizing he was never found.

Pickle sighed to himself and picked himself up, walking to the exit saying goodbye to Test tube. He hasn't smelt fresh air for so long and he hadn't even realized the whole situation that's going on right now, he gazed at the bright blue sky and dropped his head back, walking to the hotel. He opened the door, heavy breathing echoed off the wooden walls of one the rooms. Pickle felt anxious, it made him overthink about the past while his mouth was buried in flowers. After a few moments, the heavy breathing went quiet but was still heard. Pickle then continued walking - the floor started to creak.

Hehe...just calm down, it's gonna be alright... 

 He followed the path on where the heavy breathing was then he opened the room door without hesitation. He widened his eyes as he saw the bleeding body laying on the floor, supporting their stabbed chest with their hand. Pickle couldn't move, he couldn't speak either - neither he couldn't do anything about it. The blood was enticing - he felt like looking. It was driving him all insane, why must the person he cared about the most be dead right now? why must the world be so cruel...why- WHY?!

His overthinking words were all muffled as he stared at the crime scene.

No, no..NO!

TO BE CONTINUED (hehe guess who's dead.......)

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now