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(A/N: 400+ reads?? I didn't expect this to blow up holy shit, thank you for the kind support!)

Knife didn't come out of his cabin for the whole week. Others were worried sick about him, but if they tried knocking he'd obviously wouldn't answer.

He's already been excruciating in boredom in his room, he wanted to go out he really did... his body just stops him from doing so.

"This sucks." Knife said, covering his face with his hands. His heart couldn't help but beat fast. Heck, it was hard for him.

He wasn't sure if he was worried about Pickle or himself. Or he's just really bored, he doesn't know.

Then, someone knocked on his door. "Knife? Hello?" It was Microphone, usually he wouldn't even bother to answer it but he trusts her.

He opened the door wide and let out a fake grin. That disappeared as soon as he saw her with Taco (no tacophone comments plz i dont like thatship🙏🙏)

"Hi." Taco said awkwardly, Knife didn't expect her to be here since she wouldn't care about anything that has to do with Pickle.

" what brings you here?" Knife asked. Microphone glanced at Taco then she started speaking.

"P-Pi...Pickle isn't dead. So are the others, except for Bomb." Taco answered, with Microphone nodding to her words. Knife widened his eyes in relief.

Don't you think that Taco is relieved too? She probably secretly cares about Pickle and blames herself for what hes going through right now.


The two sat down on the grass, watching the moon above. Pickle was the person Taco would think about least, but now she overthinks about him... alot.

Knifes knees were up and he still looked sad, Taco noticed his expression and moved closer to him and patted his back.

Knife looked at Taco and felt himself about to cry again. He was happy that Pickle was still alive but he doesn't trust Taco, but she was the only one thats close to Pickle.

"Hey, it's okay. I also had that same expression before and it was something that I didn't expect, you can trust me right?"

Tacos tone sounded like she was serious. Knife had no choice but to believe her, they both smiled at eachother and watched the moon and stars together at the sky.


There was a fight in the laboratory. Paper and OJ were the ones fighting and it was long... very long...

Paper stumbled, almost falling backwards as they stumbled over. Away from OJ and making direct eye contact with him.

Its been a while since the incident.

"Why do you have to overreact so many times?! I am happy being this new me, AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME!"

OJ slammed the table making Paper shriek, but then he grew the confidence to yell back at him.

"I LOVED YOU OJ! I ADORED YOU AND YOU- oh..." Paper realized his words, they both widened their eyes.

Paper was shocked while OJ was disgusted, he didn't want this to happen... he let out his words a bit too far, now OJ is now disgusted in him.

Well, wasn't it obvious? At the start of this incident he started to despise Paper.

It's really... stupid of him.

the last part is so corny bro


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now