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"Why do you keep running away?" Mephones faint low tone voice said directly behind OJ. The two males were now in contact after such a long time, OJ kept clunging onto Mephone and admired him as his job as a reality tv show host. But here they are, attacking eachother on whatever weapons they find or have. ' How did he get in?! ' OJ thought but dared not to speak. He backed up and rumaged through the cabinets to see what defense tool he could find, while Mephone was just pointing the gun at him. OJ stopped then directly faced Mephone with a gun aswell, he laughed at OJ's miserable defense and walked closer an inch. "Stay back!" OJ yelled at the top of his lungs, threatning the knife to Mephones face. "Did you forget what you've done to me?" Mephone said.

OJ stopped to widen his eyes at the host. A much-needed silence travesed through the room, their hair was almost flowing with the wind and they both just continued to stare at eachother. The sudden peaceful silenece felt off to them- so, it likely ended with none other than Mephone shooting the juice on the arm, he got onto his knees real fast with his other arm covering the bullet hole. "W-What the hell is wrong with you?!" OJ turned to him. Mephone then smiled, his cracked face and glitching voice was so unpleasant to OJ that he couldn't ignore it.

"It's just the hotel manager in you..."

OJ was mad. He picked himself up and tried to strangle the phone, but Mephone held the arm that tried to strangle him back. OJ gritted his teeth then tried to fight back, but there was no use. Mephone had already killed his some sort of reputation, OJ himself didn't know what it was for- he thought it was a sign from the lord and it was a blessing, but that burnt inside of him. "Let me go, you fuckass!" OJ cried, pushing his eyes to the phone. To shut him up, Mephone just weakly smiled at him then that smile grew even wider. "How predictable. I knew you were gonna lose one day, you see what your little"boyfriend" has done to me? he killed me, he tormented me and it was your fault. You should just burn in hell for god sakes."

"Well who am I to care?! that shit just did what I told him to, not a big deal!" OJ scoffed.

Mephone found him amusing by his words full of anger, he had chosen the right moment to do this some sort of thing. it was originally him dying, but decided against it- it's perfect. He dropped OJ to the floor leading him knocking his head on the cabinet behind him. Now Mephone was staring, OJ was waiting to get revenge on the phone for his entire life but the roles have unsuprisingly switched. OJ didn't felt like laughing, he was almost burnt and cracked on the inside aswell, almost his juice spilled on the ground and made the carpet wet. At that moment, he was done for- no more life.

"I hate seeing you like this."

"Why do you even care?! go on, kill me already!"

Mephone laughed.

Wow, the roles have totally switched.


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now