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OJ watched as Salt miserably shakes Peppers unconscious body. And a very bright shine through OJs glass, it was a very sunny day, a normal day?

OJ didn't get the word normal. It can be scary, because he was a smart person before and was listed as normal. So it freezes in time at the palm of your hand, what purpose did it serve? not a lot, but its great. Atleast for him.

He just stood there, watching. Letting her get away with heist, He looked at the ground and started at the blood all over. Damnit. OJ thought.

Salt yelled out, the taller object kept smiling at Salts constant flame in her eyes. OJ cackled at this, he was about to fall but grabbed his knee for support.

Looking at him with a frown, Salt walks up to OJ and slaps him. OJ then smiled even more wider and knocks Salt out without hesitation. He wanted this, not just because Salt was annoying as hell, it's because he wanted to know her weaknesses.

OJ never saw Salt this badly hurt before. He liked to be silent, which worked, but Salts face was destroyed as hell. Just yesterday, she had an attitude and expression that OJ was used to see. But this, he hadn't seen this.

OJ clears his throat and walks away like nothing happened, he quietly enters the hotel with everyone not observing him. If they had seen him do such a thing they'd kick him out, some are suspicious but can't get anyone to believe them. Trees were rustling on the outside, the leaves were falling and there were two bodies laying on the ground.

Nature is a beautiful thing. Atleast to OJ, he finds it amusing, but otherwise, the concept is fascinating. Anyone would love to capture a scene of illuminating things. Such as birds, animals and so much more. That experience would never last. Mephone then spotted OJ writing down on a piece of paper, he stared down at him but didn't bother to even talk to him.

Not again. Mephone thought to himself, he knows how much of an actor the object is. Went as far as he could be, but it wasn't personal, his thoughts were a mess. Not to OJ, though. He wasn't going to let him go whether or not. When was he so impulsive? Why does he never think? Can't he just snap out of his possession? Mephone himself doesn't even know the answer.

OJ and Mephone were once good friends. Sure they had their problems, but they got along really well ever since S1 ended. Complains were alot and Mephone always got sued by OJ but that's the thing that keeps their friendship going. In fact, Mephone had a deep hatred for OJ before, it dissappeared then reappeared after the sudden incidents. Currently, Mephone is thinking of a time where it happened before all this.

Mephone sits up and looks at OJ from afar, he was still writing, he was devastated to find out but OJ would just easily catch him. Everyone knew that he had something against OJ, but it didn't seem obvious to him, he always kept pretending to be a good friend to OJ and pretend to forgive him. Like he was tend to change, but that wasn't true. Not true at all, it's stupid to Mephone.

mephone when the oj is IMSORRY BACK TO THE STORY

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mephone when the oj is IMSORRY BACK TO THE STORY

He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe any of his words, Mephone would rather meet his own creation more than befriend OJ. Okay, maybe he would befriend OJ rather than meeting his creator but that isn't the point. He didn't know who he was speaking to, OJ? Himself? Cobs? Sighing tiredly, Mephone laid down and took a nap.

“Look whos sleeping.”

TO BE CONTINUED repost because becausebec

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