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As OJ sat there in silence, rocking his knees back and forth. He had given up. His entire status to pretend meant nothing to him anymore, he hated pretending.

Once, he complimented Salt on how great she looked, she kissed him on the cheek. He almost puked.

“Where the hell is it?!” OJ yelled as he rumages through the drawers. His bowtie was gone, nowhere to be found.

OJs thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. He wanted to yell, but didn't see the point.

“What?” The juice quickly snapped, not even bothering to put up a wide smile.

His eyes lead to Mephone, glaring at him in silence. He wanted to laugh but what's the point of that? The phone never failed to make him laugh because of his seriousness.

“What are you planning to.”

“You remind me of Nickel.” OJ laughed, with Mephone glaring to his words. Mephone then gripped OJs hand close and pulled him closer to him.

“I'm not falling for your tricks.”

OJ just snickered at his sharpen voice and grinned at him, heavy sharp distress his voice almost glaring at him.

“You're really clever.”

“But everyones not gonna believe you so easily.” OJ quickly snapped, with Mephone widening his eyes and gripping his hand even harder.

“And why are you exactly doing this?” Mephone asked, OJs eyes suddenly widened and locked into Mephones eyes. The both males were staring at eachother.

“Its just the hotel manager in me..” OJ smiled. The dark of the light shines through, widening the space of the room. Mephone couldn't speak.

Mephone just dropped OJ to the ground and scoffed, walking away. OJs smile got even tense and wider, then he closed the door shut locking it.

“What a day.”


OJ was in his room isolating in boredom. Part of him wanted to go out but part of him didn't, he didn't want to socialize with the others.

All he had to do was write in his Journal.

OJ began writing, page by page, flipping through the paper and his hand getting sweaty and tense as he wrote. He widened his eyes when he put a signature on it.

He then threw this journal to the side of the bed and began to scream, he covered himself with a pillow so that his screams were inaudible.

The voices are getting louder. Its getting muffled everytime. Its driving him more insane.


to be continued idkk pls give me ideas for the next chapter.. also fun fact, the story chapter titles are based off oj's emotions

personal question, do you think oj is getting more and more insane as the chapters go on like AM I INSANE TOO WHATHEFUCK

ok byeeee:3333

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now