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Paper woke up, aching all over, letting his groans ache up. The fragile man had been having senseable dreams about clouds, pills and everything. Wait, pills? The male thought to himself. He looked down the ground to see drugs laying on the floor. He could hope it was a dream, but he wasnt. He was actually taking drugs. It was a early morning in the hotel. Trafic had slowed to a dull stop, in some which, a murderous object. Nobody wanted to deal with him, neither did Paper. But it was always his responsibility to yell or hurt him.

That didnt stop him from taking pills though. If, you know what i mean.

A very bright, sharp light came through Papers window. He widened is eyes and glanced at the pills again, do i need it? Paper thought to himself. He knows how addicting and dangerous this is but he cant stop himself, its taken over his body and now he cant stop. Paper bent down and grabbed the pills then shoved them into his mouth. Something happened, he couldnt stop smiling. His vision was blurry, his eyes were widened, and he... hes just there.

But was it worth it?

Looking at himself in the mirror, he just felt like laughing, not understanding the situation. Paper didnt have that much care since, and wouldnt know if he needed that help. He prefers to pretend that everything is fine when it isnt, not just because hes distressed. He wasnt into these types of stuff until now, its weird... but for Paper, he finds it alright and safe. Somehow he cant help himself. 

The light shines through the reflection of the mirror, then it breaks. Paper widened his eyes still continuing to smile. What is happening?! He thought. He then saw his happy past self shining through the mirrors fragment. Just yesterday, he had an attitude he never felt for so long. So why now? Why msut it haunt him?  He punched the mirror and gripped his hair, sitting up on his bed, crying as usual still smiling. Hes done it, he has lost it. What happened to the old me? What happened to my happy self? He thought.

Hes done.

He grabbed the rope behind him and slowly tied it to the ceiling hen to his neck, he grabbed the note he wrote down last night and placed it on the chair, he was sweating, sweating real bad. But it was the only way...


Hes gone.


i wrote this all on pcLMFAOAO dw ill bring him back soon ig

Im sorry. Its been such a long year with you all, all of you will be in much greater good once im finished. Im done, I have lost it, Its better for me if i just leave my problems to you all. I sound really stupid, but thats what I am. Im sorry, If you see this, I am gone. 

                            - Paper.


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