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Sometimes a story wouldn't end up so happy like always. It will just scramble in your own imagination, like a fool, you wouldn't believe it. But every story doesn't have its happy ending- aren't I right?


Paper woke up with a startle and picked himself up, sitting up on his bed. He began breathing heavily and tugged the bed sheets tight. Just then, his vision began to turn all wobbly and weird- but he quickly switched the topic and went back to sleep as usual. But he couldn't sleep, every second and every minute he was still awake, something was bothering him- but what is it? He squeezed the bridge of his nose and began thinking dismissively; he didn't know what was going on. He got up from his bed and tiptoed to the exit to the further into the hallway. "Maybe a drink would help me."  he muttered to himself

He felt a heavy pressure on his back as he kept walking further the hallway, he didn't notice it though- he didn't think much of it. The door to the kitchen, nearly open between the walls. The blonde beneath the door also startled when he saw the fragile boy- who was grabbing coffee. "Oh. Morning."  Trophy said gruffly. Paper just gave him a gentle wave, and both boys went separate ways. "Why am I always acting up late in the morning..."  Paper muttered.

In, and out. The boy breathed. 

In. and. out. 


Paper broke away from his mind and began running back to his room, footsteps echoed through the halls but didn't even bother to wake anybody up except himself. He slammed the door shut and began kneeling down- gripping his hair tight. That was, until he eventually calmed down and sat back up to his bed- still thinking about what just happened to him. He wrapped himself like a ball and told himself to breath- just breath. The scary thoughts spread like a weed; they say that it gets better but I guess that was a lie. At least- to him, his heart was beating so fast that he couldn't even focus on what he was doing, no wonder he couldn't sleep. He looked at his lamp, it was so bright and yellow. Yellow like a happy sunshine- wish that could happen to him

Someone was missing in his life.


Someone so kind.



He quickly grabbed his pillow and covered it on his face, restraining the loud scream he did. The other hand of him rendered speechless but he couldn't stop himself- it just keeps on going, never aware of his surroundings. The thoughts will never stop haunting him, it will always be in his life. It's SOOO funny!


Paper fell onto his back and began reluctantly thinking about things, he did his best to ignore all these thoughts and render silent, but he couldn't- he couldn't help it at all. It took him moments to finally realize that his happy ending wouldn't happen like in his imagination. No, it wouldn't. He didn't feel unfazed at all- he needed someone to talk to after this 'vacation' he had.

That's it.

He had again, picked himself up out of his bed and began running towards the door in his room and opened it- running further into the hallway. This was it; this was the person he was hoping for. He didn't even open up his mind to him and only saw him as a partner in crime- but no, he was his friend. Paper took a deep shaky breath and knocked on the door, slightly shaking.

Knock, knock, knock.

"What now, loser-- Oh. Paper!"

"Heyy.. Trophyy.."  Paper chirped.

"Listen, I know it's early in the morning, but I really need you to help me with something."

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now