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(Its a friday! and you know what that means, updates will post faster! also 500 reads woahhh wonder if we get to 1k /j)

Test tube isn't exactly the best scientist, No matter how hard she tried, she fails at extreme experiments.

She still couldn't comprehend why she was very intelligent now.

“Where are the other wards?” Test tube asked, glancing at Paper as they walked down the hallway quiet enough.

“This way... OJ put me far behind them and put mine right next to his office room.” Paper answered.


They then reached to Pickles ward and knocked on his door. “NO! I DONT WANT ANYMORE INJECTIONS! DONT HURT ME!”

Pickle yelled out, they both looked at eachother puzzled, then looked back at Pickles door.

“P-Pickle it's me, Paper! Test tube is here!” Paper reassured him. Pickle brushed off his chest and calmed down.

“Come in.” Paper and Test tube opened the door wide and saw Pickle sitting up on his bed.

Pickle didn't want direct eye contact, so he looked at the side of the wall not quite prepared for a conversation.

“Look— I know you dont really trust me yet but I can get you out—”

“What if you're lying and just coercing me into doing it?”


Her eyes widened when Pickle said that. Test tube checked her own breathing and calmed down instantly.

“What do you mean by that?” Test tube asked, with Paper looking at her worried.

“You're just like OJ. You probably want to kill me too and I can tell it by your face, even if you're some contestant from season 2 i cant trust you!”

Test tube looked at him puzzled, then relinquished. He completely gained another trust issue, she then began to cup his cheek with her hand

“I know things aren't the best for you right now but this can all come to an end.” Her gentle tone made Pickles eyes widen.

Then he gained that feeling, trust. He trusts her. “Okay.” Pickle nodded, grinning at TT and Paper.

They then got the other two and started making an escape plan.


Knife and Taco finished their conversation and were thinking of a new one to start with.

Hmm.. how about Pickle?

No, she doesn't wanna remember. So she brushed it off.

“Soo.. hows things going with the others?” Taco asked curiously, her tone was squeaky. Knife laughed and wiped his tears off.

“Just fine, but not really in this situation...” Knife looked at the side and started to frown again picturing the image of his boyfriend.

Taco sighed. “Its my fault isn't it?” She faced at the side, not quite prepared on whats coming next.

“No. Your side doesn't have anything to do with OJ so you're good.” Knife checked her heartbeat by putting his hand on her chest.

“Wow. Really anxious.”

“Oh, shush.”

They then looked at eachother eye to eye for a few seconds then laughed again. Knife was already crying at this point, and Taco was really happy.

Hours after their full on laughter, they went to find Microphone that was hanging out in the forest.

“I think i might have found something...” Microphone said. But without hesitation, Taco swiftly grabbed the photo frame and her eyes widened in shock.

It's that picture... It's that moment... both of their faces looked happy. Taco didn't want this, and the fact that her side was shot.

Taco was about to cry when they all heard the bush make a noise, they went to check it out.

They opened up the bush and there was... nothing.

“Is this another one of your pranks Knife?” Microphone grunted, face-palming her face.





Where are they?


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now