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Last time:

OJ went inside Bombs room and he saw... death. It seemed that Bomb had exploded himself from the pain, he couldn't take it anymore, huh?

Log Date: It seems that subject 1 had committed suicide. How weak... He was fun for his role, I guess i'll have to find someone else to replace him. OJ out!

The camera stopped recording. OJ was laughing like a maniac, his eyes looked like they were about to burst out. It was soon interrupted with Salt's knocking on the door.

OJ groaned and opened the door. It was dead silent, Salt refused to give eye contact with him but was blushing hard. OJ also refused to give her eye contact.

“Yes?” He said, sharp anxiety in his voice. Salt was laughing quietly and hugged OJ after. He felt like pushing her but that'll ruin his plan.

OJ sat up and stared at the opposing corner while Salt was hugging him, the only sound filling the room is Salt repeating the word "I love you"

OJ was done. He was absolutely done, Salt was too clingy and he was desperate to kill her.

He then blinked; No... Not yet, Soon. He was pulled out of his mind and grinned. Salt was clearly very clingy and it was perfect for OJ's next plan.

“Say... Why don't you give me some space, I'm very busy today!” He said innocently. Salt understood his accent and words and walked away, leaving OJ in his office.

Then, OJ wrote down things on his notes. Time passed by, he wrote for 9 hours, he didn't give anyone food or something to drink.

Now that he was done, he couldn't believe it. It was perfect. The hype was real, he finally found a solution to the problem, and even better- he's gonna get more CASH!

For basically his whole life, he was a confused shit and wasted million bucks on a hotel. And there he is now, making plans for himself and is a technical guy.

He was never bothered by this. He never was, OJ was very happy with this and felt like hugging himself more than anyone in his life.

Finally, why don't we check up on the others? No. not the mentally ill ones, the ones outside.

Paintbrush was setting up missing posters of each subject. They normally wouldn't do this but they were worried for them all.

They weren't sure whether it's a lie or a prank, or the face itself. Paintbrush regretted on what they said to OJ and they are probably the reason why OJ and the others are missing now.

Knife was in his cabin. He doesn't sleep well now, he misses Pickle. He found himself crying after he found out about Pickles disappearance.

Now that he is in this state, he can't let the feeling go, it's slowly taking over him. He just prays that the others are okay. It's starting to scare him because he overthinks most of the time.

He looks at the ticking clock at the corner ticking. Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Knife was wishing that this was the time where Pickle would knock on his door and hug him tight.

Knife was an impatient person, it was killing him slowly but he has to wait. He has to.

It'll happen soon.


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now