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Honestly.. Paper never expected this, infact, he had forgotten about his existence. But now he's here.

“You're such an asshole!” Paper finished his rant, then glanced at OJ who was laughing. Papers eyes widened.

“Were you even...”

“It was getting boring.” OJ yawned.

Paper didn't know who he was speaking to. Himself, OJ or the anger in him? It didn't matter however, because OJ wouldn't even bother anyway.

“I..” Paper stood in silence.

“Hey! you better get out before i call the police on you!” Mephone yelled as he grips OJs bloody shirt. The room went silent, no panic was present.

“I'm just here to apologize!” He added his hand gently to Mephones shoulder, grinning purely at his mad expression.

OJ then glanced at the others who were still terrified. Well, why wouldn't they?

“So..?” OJ hummed, still grinning and looking at Mephone. Mephone dropped him to the floor and began to grumble to himself.


Mephone had to bite back several remarks after that. OJ made him sick, and not just because he won the season its because he was a psycho. Hopefully, all he would do is just walk away in his misery.

Mephone was jumped back to reality when OJ started to apologize many times. It seemed so genuine, so real. But Mephone wouldn't forgive him that easily.

“A-And Paper, I'm really sorry I did all that. It was wrong of me, and it was immature. I get that it's too late but im really genuinely sorry...”

OJ glanced at the floor, frowning and not expecting an answer. Paper just stood there and couldn't even move his mouth to speak.

“I need a moment.”

“PAPER WAIT!” Pickle yelled

Paper ran away, leading himself to the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet and cried, he covered his mouth so that his sobbing was inaudible.

After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door. Paper wiped his tears and opened the door.

“Hey Mepho-!... OJ?”

OJ smiled at Paper and then hugged him, suprisingly, Paper hugged back and let out his tears to him.

“Shh.. It's okay.. I'm here.” OJ hummed.

“For now.”


OJ was left alone in a spare room. He was laughing to himself, he was going crazy how half of the hotel residents believed his act.

With a shaky exhale, OJ destroyed the picture frame that he and Paper took earlier.

“What a relief.”


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now