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hey😉😉😉paper is transmasc here😊😊😊😊😘😘😘😘 love u trans ppl

It's been driving her crazy now. Taco has been accused so many times of murdering Pickle when she didn't, and she was someone that would never do that... well, since the incident with Testube and Fan.

Now she's isolating her room in boredom, locking herself out of the outside, her hand ran through her hair and she started to mutter things to herself. She hummed at this, opening her eyes drearily.

This was it. All this time, she thought people had forgiven her and moved on, but that dream was ruined. She was known as a murderer again. It's driving her batshit.

As Taco laid there in silence, still muttering and quietly sobbing. She had given up, her entire reason to defend herself had just been torn apart into pieces, she'd had no one close to stand by her side. Well, used to, but hes dead...

Why was OJ so impulsive?

In fact, what was the reason? He can just make things right other than murdering people and becoming a different person, it's so stupid, Taco thought to herself. She knows how insane the tall object is.

However, Taco wasn't going to let go of her confidence, she rarely cried this night. You won't catch her slipping up unless you do. She was starting to get how useful herself was and how she could grow into someone.

Someone not like her past self.



“Stop cheering, you fools!”
Taco yelled. The initial cheering stopped and everyone looked at her, most were shocked, some were suprised.

“It is all wrong. I was built to win! my plan was perfect!”
Shocked complaints were heard. The pickle gave a concerned look at her friend but stood at the shocked crowd, poor guy, thinking hes still her friend.

“Yes, you were all utterly fooled. Did you honestly think that i was that half witted?”

“I merely pretended to be an idiot, not to be seen as a threat, and to make the viewers like me more!”
The looks of the others were staring down at her, especially for Pickle which made her sick. She internally stepped up to him and started to confront him about the truth.

“What? I don't understand...”
Pickle said, Taco then glared at him yelling shit at him which made him feel like an absolute fool and felt like he was going to shed tears.

“Of course you don't! you were never really my friend, you were just part of my cover!”

Pickle then felt his heart shatter into pieces. Taco wasn't his friend? Why? He didn't know the reason, he thought their friendship was real. It seemed so real but... it turned out to be fake.



“See?... this is why you listen to me, Mic.”

Tacos voice echoed through Mics mind. Here, she stood, looking at the cheering crowd and the unconscious Fan. She seemed so devastated.

“Delectable, isn't it?”
“Finally a taste of recognition...”
“Finally, I can finally-”

“Is that what you said to Pickle?”

Taco then saw Microphone in her vision in a white void. Hyprocite, she thought to herself. But she stood as Microphone started moving her mouth and talking about him.

“Make him think he was doing what he wanted? Like he was heard?”

Microphone blinked then sighed, staring up at Taco smiling. She walked up to her back at began muttering things.

“I thought i gained a friend...”
“Turns out, I gained nothing.”

Taco then snapped out of her mind. Just move on, she can simply forget about him. She'll surely make up with Microphone and do more stuff together right?

“Surely, It couldn't have been nothing-”

Taco then was cut off. She felt guilty to herself, and made the same expression as what Pickle did, then she realized. She made a mistake. Her manipulative actions aren't gonna get her more reputation, just more guilt.



Taco sat up and looked at the ray gun. Her face looked a bit pale, and her eyes seemed watery. She offers herself a pity and laughed to herself face-palming. Her monotone laugh soon then turned into a cry.

Shit, she thought to herself. She knows how defensive she got to the other objects. Went as far as hugging them, but why not herself? It wasnt personal, but to Taco it seemed so much more.

Quickly interrupted, she heard a loud bang coming from the outside of the room. Her body couldn't even move, she wanted to check it out but she was too scared because shes still known as a “murderer.”

While her eyes caught of sight, she rumages through the drawers and finds something she had used in the past. It may not seem like a good idea, but shes doing it.



Why don't I think?

That's what OJ said at first. He was very particular of his words, but now it just felt different, he could even expose himself if he felt like it but then he'd just get kicked out right after. It was an opportunity to get away.

He then made his way to the near exit of the building. He spotted only one person there, Pepper. He found her absolutely useful but she wanted to put a reaction to Salt. He didn't want to dispose the body after all.

Then, he tapped Peppers shoulder and shot her after, he ran away not leaving a single fingerprint. Lucky for him, he was right. Nothing was found. Atleast, that's what he thinks.

He was too impulsive to understand. Once, he purposely gave himself a paper cut, even OJ himself doesn't know the reason why. But for him it just felt really fun.

It was obvious what it was. He waited for a moment for Paper to come and attack him, he found it hilarious because he was so weak and and fragile. Why would he toughen up? OJ thought to himself.




HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now