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It was the next day in the woods. Still, the phone was still awake and restraining himself from sleeping. He was still counting sheep while he was reassuring the pain that causes him to glitch out, or maybe- a different reason was the cause to this? doesn't matter, the phone can't resist falling off his throne. He picked himself up and walked around the woods, stepping on fallen branches. He quietly mumbled to himself while he grumbles in frustration, he wouldn't dare to say he was frustrated though. It's never worth it when you are a host of a big series- right?

He spotted a boy with orange hair who was clinging onto a tree. He felt a shiver down his spine but dared not to look. The boy also spotted him and let out a wide grin, walking up to him as if everything's normal. The phone felt so uncomfortable- but he couldn't do anything about it. "So... how did it work out?"  OJ asked. Mephone just nodded to his words with OJ responding with a giggle, occasionally walking with the phone. He was anxiously fiddling with his fingers as OJ calmly walks beside him not paying attention to his surroundings. "W-W-W WE- Re... h-HE- here..."  Mephone said, still glitching out his words. 

"Oh perfect!"

"So, are you just going to stay there?"

No response. 

OJ scoffed, walking off to the hotel leaving Mephone alone.


Trophy examined the body on where she was bleeding. He pulled out his phone from his baseball jacket pocket and began texting Soap to come and investigate with them. It a took moment for her to respond, but she accepted, and she was on her way. He closed his phone and began sighing- not realizing he was standing directly in the large splatter of blood. Paper lifted his head up to see the big bright blue sky, covered by the shadows of trees. He sighed- when will this ever end? He glanced at Pickle who was dozing himself to sleep. Then glanced at Trophy, who was still looking blank. "Something on your mind?"  Paper nudged him. "Oh- pssh, nothing." Trophy scoffed. Paper giggled at his response, with his hand restraining his giggle. 

"Sorry, was I late?"

Trophy looked behind him to see it was his friend, Soap. He gently smiled at her and shook his head no. Soap took back at the smile and smiled back, she then walked up to the direct splatter of blood then to Test tube. Frozen with shock, Soap could only stare at the bed-headed girl who was slowly rotting. It took moments for her to move again, she inhaled sharply and picked up Test tubes body. "Do any of you know the entrance to her laboratory? Mic could help me figure this out..." Soap asked. It took a couple of minutes for both of them to respond, then Paper spoke. "You could ask Fan! but just don't let him see the body..." Soap nodded to his words and began walking out of the woods, waving goodbye at them.

Paper took a deep breath, feeling the warm air on his body. He didn't know what to do in this moment and it was getting very boring, he wanted to leave- but he couldn't just leave Pickle alone. Trophy eyed on his friend, looking up and down. He decided it was time for them to go, he could shoot his shot. "Maybe we should go. I'll take care of the guy." Trophy glanced at Pickle. The only thing Paper would do was nod to his words; Trophy picked Pickle up who was still sleeping and both boys walked off together out the woods.

"Wow, this place is jammed."

OJ wandered around, examining the damaged place, looking up and down. He didn't even realize he was directly stepping on shattered fragments or maybe even splatter of blood. The smell of rotting bodies made OJ disgusted- but he was brought back to reality when he realized he did almost of that. Whatever, it doesn't matter. He almost vomited the strong, horrible smell of bodies. Even if he did those crimes, it still disgusts him! " wonder Soap was a clean-addict." He laughed. 

He entered one of the rooms and the smell was so horrendous. Even OJ himself couldn't handle it, but he had no other chance. He observed the room from the bed to the bathroom, he then eyed a familiar face who was rotting- not even hid. It was Knife, his eyes rolled to white, and he passed out cold laying on the floor. OJ's quiet whimpering tuned into loud laughter, he kneels down, observing the dead body as it was rotting. OJ didn't even care if its smell was so pungent. Wow, no wonder Pickle couldn't even dispose the body!  'I can just imagine the look of his face.' OJ thought but dared not to speak up.

He picked himself up and exited out of the smeared room. The boy continued wandering around but he found nothing interesting to him, so he shrugged it off and began walking off to the exit. But to his eyes- the exit was gone. 'What the hell?' OJ thought. He saw a bright bluish gray light in the distance, he gave that light his usual grin and clapped his hands. "Wonderful. You trapped me here, just great!" He chirped.


"Hm, So you aren't going to respond?"


"Typical. Show me what you got then!"

TO BE CONTINUED (final chapter tomorrow, ill probably make that shit long hehe hoho idk"

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