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okay fine they will get therapy but this isnt in the main story and isnt canonLOL!!!!!!!

It was raining, the cloud cover low and heavy, lightning spinning in black and grey clouds as the rain slowly pattered. Here, the sitting line was waiting for a turn. Wanna guess what it was? Therapy, finally. 

Paintbrush wrote down on a piece of paper as the nervous boy just say there on the couch waiting for a response from them. Eventually, Paintbrush looked up at Pickle and gave them a gentle smile. Pickle smiled back, but weakly. "What's on your mind?" Paintbrush asked, Pickle flinched and looked up at them and his legs began to shake. So did his mind, but he opened his mouth to speak. "I-It's just..." Pickle sighed, then looked up at them again. "I'm s-so tired! All responsibilities required to OJ always include me! I just want a break, you know... after that whole shabang.... heh, funny right...?"

Paintbrush watched as Pickle deeply explain his situation word by word in each setting. They saw a blurry vision slowly waft through them, then they snapped as Pickle stopped talking. "Oh! sorry about that, okay... uh..." Paintbrush chuckled then began to make eye contact with Pickle. Älright, now i reccomened..."  A few hours passed by and their conversation ended and it was time for Pickle to go, he waved Paintbrush goodbye and closed the door behind him.  

"Next." The line moved forward. 

Paper opened the door and quickly sat on the couch. He didn't even bother to say hi to Paintbrush, but they shrugged it off and began talking to him. "What's on your mind?" they were cut off by Paper. "Just get on with it."he quickly snapped, they sighed and began to ask him questions. Paintbrush watched as Paper slowly... slowly reach to his limit and burst into tears. He was  gonna fall onto the couch but used his other hand for support, paintbrush didn't even say a word about this. "And what made you feel about that...?"

"HORRIBLE! He made me go blind and took my eyes and took them aside, he made me watch my own apartment burn into dust until it was crisp. THEN, HE JUST DECIDES TO JUST FORGET ABOUT IT AND... AND-"


"I'm sorry." Paper muttered to himself.

Paintbrush gave him a gentle smile and began to actually speak. "Hey, I am so so sorry that happened. I promise you that no matter happens he won't reach to you ever again, it was so stupid for him. Im sorry..." Now Paper was the one who was smiling, tears were falling down his cheek. He wiped it with his sleeve and giggled. It was time for him to go, so he waved Paintbrush goodbye and left the room.



HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now