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this fanfic is straight off going downhill because of my writers block 💀💀

“Knife, he's blind.” Taco stepped in.

Knife was partically melted at this point. He paused all movement just to think, is he really blind?

“You're joking right?”

“Take a look at his vision.”

Knife then took a quick look at his eyes, blank. Blank vision. Knife wanted to drop down on his knees but it was unnecessary.

He also made sure he wasn't going to panic much, because he gets all hot (NOT THAT KIND OF HOT😭😭) when he does.

He huffed out a sharp breath and went to Pickle, cupping his cheeks and smiling at him.

"Kni—” Before Pickle could even finish his sentence, Knife kissed him on the lips. He kissed back.

Knife let go and he was just, there now... He looked at Pickle puzzled and felt relinquished.

Microphone slowly crept up to Knife and sat down with him. She climbed her hand up all the way to his shoulders and hugged him.

“We'll figure this out.” Microphone said quietly before patting his back as he cried. “OJ made him like this... It's just—”

Microphone shushed him and smiled at him. “Do you think Pickle would want to see you crying?”

Knife looked at him, then Microphone, he brushed that thought of crying and hugged Microphone once more.

This doesn't mean that he's being nice, though. As he has his ways with killing and smashing objects.

I mean, hes a knife? Its not surprising?

Taco checked Pickles temp by putting her hand above his forehead, hot and burning.

“What are you doing Test tube?”

“Huh? Im not— oh right...” Taco laughed.

The pair started laughing again, she was cherishing this moment. Her shoulders started to feel uncomfortable but she didn't mind.


Hours after OJ dissappeared, Test tube and Paper went to see what was in his office until they saw there were people chattering.

“Golly.” Testube said underneath her breathe.

“Wait... that was testubes voice, aren't you her?” Pickle said confusingly. Taco sighed and held his hand.

“I'm actually Taco.”

Pickles eyes widened, he couldn't believe it. The first person he called "best friend" was here.

The blurry vision led his eyes to the S1 finale. Hes not sure if he was dreaming, or he's just dead already.

“Leave me alone... please...” Pickle sat on his knees up and looked at the wall. Taco frowned and walked away going to Mic and Knife.

OJ spotted them inside and kicked the door open, he was holding a weapon with him.

“You bitches! Why are you out of your wards!?” OJ yelled out, Taco grabbed her ray gun and threatened it on OJs neck.

“And why aren't you in of your gravestone?” Taco chuckled. And without hesitation, OJ stabbed Taco.

“SHIT!” Taco fell on her back and squinted her eyes, she saw the light coming to her.

“TACO!?” Mic ran up to her, so did Knife... but not Pickle. Mic was shaking her while Knife was checking her heartbeat.

She stopped all her movements.

“No...” Knife glared at OJ, eyes filled with rage. “I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job.” OJ laughed.

OJs laughter were only heard.


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