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Test tube knocked at Knifes door, she was very nervous because he's probably having a breakdown right now. She was about to leave when she heard the door creak wide open.

“Hey.” Knife greeted, Test tube let out a small sigh and began to face Knife, “Come with me. I have something to show you.” Theres a valid explanation why she said that.

Knife raised his eyebrow. He was confused, but was curious anyway so he followed her leading two of them into her lab.

“So this is what it looks like...” Knife said underneath his breath. “Experiment 45.” Test tube repeated.

“Uhm, what?”

“Experiment 45, I know what OJ did.” Knife was shocked after he heard the name OJ, he was too focused on what was happening but OJ of all people?

“What do you mean by OJ?”

“OJ recorded Experiment 45, HE HAS PICKLE AND THE OTHERS!” Testube slammed the table in anger. She let out a huff before calming down, she patted the other seat at looked at Knife.

Knife knew what she was saying and sat beside her. “I... don't understand... why would OJ do this?” he began talking in a sharp anxiety voice.

“I'll tell you why. I was like him back then, so intrigued in real science that i had to torture my friends for it! many of them... It was hard for me to forgive myself but i eventually changed, it's all okay now.”

Knife widened his eyes when he heard her voice deepen, this was not the only reason he widened his eyes though. She was exactly the same before.

Test tube then began playing a tape called ' Experiment 45 '

The tape started playing...

OJ : Experiment 45, what an interesting number! Alright uh... I've made a few drawings of what I am going to do. First, I'll clean this place up then two, I'll get test subjects! How fun! I'm sure that I won't go that far! right...?

The tape ended. Knifes face just went extremely blank, almost like he had no emotions or such. “I'm sorry. They are gone.” Testube said, as she moved her eyes towards the floor.

“This must be a mistake. We can still find them!” Test tube looked at him with a "im sorry" face.


“ANSWER ME!?” Knife then shook her until she answered. She didn't, then he let her go and started crying in her arms.

“I could recover them by asking Mephone but he's nowhere to be found! I'm really sorry...” Knife hugged her even more tight as he cried his eyes out.

She felt a guilty feeling in her, it was technically her fault she started all this but who cares?

Thunderstorms were heard outside. Lightning and Thunder all together, the rain was quite heavy dont you think?

It's funny.


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now