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OJ sighed, stepping back from the reflecting mirror he had been staring at because of his bruises. It was meant for reputation, but he doesn't know what the bruises on him meant anymore. His own fate? his "friends?" himself? He doesn't know, he will never know. He's practically useless right now.

“Look at you.”

OJ grumbled to himself, then touched his bruises, it took a moment for him to finally realize he's a mistake. I mean, he was? He took a shaky exhale and exited out of the bathroom to his room.

So messy, so unorganized.

As OJ stood there in silence, still not moving an inch. He had this idea of killing himself, he'd have no one to give him personal comfort or conversation because of what he'd done to others and himself. He heard another loud bang right outside his window, he lifted his head up and went to check outside. His window was shot. Then, he saw the broken phone outside with a gun pointing at his window.

“Hello, OJ.”

OJ widened his eyes then went to hide, he was drenched by the thoughts drowning into him by seconds. But that doesn't mean anything, that doesn't mean anything to him anymore. Muttering to himself, he picked himself up then checked the open window again. Mephone was gone, nowhere to be found. He panicked and locked his open door. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! The juice panicked to himself.

Lucky for him, he didn't hear a knock or another bang. Humming a tune to calm himself and grabbed a dry tone, he quickly pulled his hair and began to cause a small breakdown. The day was the worse, it was so bright. It was such a sunny day and these kinds of shit happen. But he deserves it, he deserves it all. It was obvious on what his fate would be, none of his fantasies was true. He would never get a good ending.




“Why do you keep running away?” Mephone chuckled behind him.

TO BE CONTINUED its like 11pm helpme

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now