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hi, you may know me as the creator of hotel manager in me or just simply haruhi_kun in general

i just want to clarify to new and old readers that this whole story was a joke- a whole parody of out of character evil ii aus, so that's why all the characters seem so ooc.

i never expected anyone to take it seriously because of how... short, and badly written it was before. and the plot was messy in general

when i saw my notifications, i was surprised to see that this story was still blowing up, so i was happy even though the story has been over for quite some time now

but its been awhile since ive last been to wattpad so i just wanna say thank you. i never expected the story to blow up since it was just an idea of mine that suddenly popped up in my head 😭

you may continue supporting this story even if it was meant as a joke 🙏 thank you, once again

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