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Paper and OJ were circling around the garden, they were chatting and laughing enjoying eachothers company. It was the best feeling that they had, and Paper being near OJ just made his heart flutter.

Honestly... Paper had planned to confessed but yet not to. He was a person who was scared of being rejected, but he just wanted to casually tell OJ that he likes him and wants to be his boyfriend.

But now, his attraction for him increased even more, it was the best feeling and the worst. And these feelings would only get worse and worse the close he got to OJ. He had waited for so long for him to be finally alone with OJ.

Both boys were holding hands, with Paper being super red and OJ telling him a story. Paper had waited for so long for this moment, nows the only time that he would finally get to tell OJ about his true feelings. No distractions, just the two of them.

“Hey OJ?”


“I wanna tell you something...”

Paper took a deep breath and spoke. He slowly opened his mouth, but before he could even get the chance, he tripped on a rock and fell. OJ catched him in time.

“O-OJ what are you—”

“Thats what friends are for, right?”

Paper widened his eyes and slowly frowned, he didn't see the point of frowning though since OJ was gullible about his feelings. Yet, Paper won't even say it out loud. Here. He stood with OJ helping him up.

“So... what were you gonna tell me?”



“Yeah... friends..”

Paper said, staring down at Pickles dead body. He had no point in saving everyone now, he doesn't know who to believe because he's tired of tricks. At one hand, he thinks Taco did it, on the other hand, OJ did it.

Paper was just there. He wish that he could travel back in time to mess up the past but it wouldn't be possible, its just so quiet... the lights are dimmed but the light felt on, all the initial panic was absent.

“Hey pickle sorry, i need to borrow your—”

Soap said cutting off her sentence, she stood there widening her eyes. She then looked at Paper dead in the eye and looked at the wall.

“What the hell happened?!”

Paper didnt respond. Instead, he just stared at Soap while she was trembling staring at Pickles rotting body. The odor was spreading, looked like he was there for a while.

“I dont know.”

“But why were you standing there?! And oh... I gotta clean this mess.”

The light glanced through the window, shining through the view. Soap then ran away and went to tell the others, while Paper didn't move an inch. He was just there, waiting.

But where is OJ? Where has he been? Paper thought in his mind, he should've been here by now, why is he absent? even him himself doesn't know, he's probably isolating in his room.

“Im here!”

Speak of the devil.

“Oh, you finally figured it out.”


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now