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"Oh, hey."

Trophy looked at Paper while he focuses on his steaming hot coffee, from the small amount of light streaming in from the window; Paper could see that Trophy didn't sleep well either like he did. Both boys just stood there, making eye contact with each other - the silence kept lingering between the both of them so one had to speak up. With a scowl, Trophy turned back to his coffee and kept focusing on it. Paper took a deep breath and sighed. "Look... could you help me out with something?"  Paper asked.

Trophy turned back to him and gave him a gentle smile but didn't let him see. He was growing desperate; at this rate, he'd want to help out the stubborn boy so bad. He continued drinking his hot coffee and looked back at Paper again - giving him a small nod, Paper gave him a smile back and nodded with him, causing both of them to turn away from each other and go in to separate ways. "I'll see you tomorrow then..." Paper hurried back to his room. "Mhm... tomorrow."  Trophy said, still drinking his coffee.

By the next day, a group of contestants chattered with excitement but sadness with the other group. Paper didn't know what section he was, so he went straight to Trophys direction. The blonde boy was clinging onto a tree all by himself; Paper found it amusing, so he went up to him and tapped his shoulder hoping to get the jocks attention. “Whats up genius?” Trophy laughed. Paper giggled, then continued onto the topic he was planning to do with.

“OJ's body is gone.”

Trophy widened his eyes and his hands began to tremble. He wasn't usually bothered by this - he never cared about the whole OJ situation, but now that hes somehow included he's just scared of him being targeted next. Even if it meant betraying someone he most likely cared about, but that's a prized possession to Trophy. He was more desperate to make this mark even better - and what better place to start?

Paper was also in a complete panic.

He didn't notice his panic at first, so he took the opportunity to calm Trophy down instead of calming himself down. I mean- he's practically used to it? for basically his whole life his so well known "friend" has been trying to murder him for so long and yet it won't even stop. The situation just keeps going over and over and over and over.

If i could remember... there was a recovery button right beside him, there was a signature with it but i didn't check who...”

“Who the hell puts signatures in their own work?”

Both of them shrugged it off and began walking observing the place trying to look for obvious hints, breathing echoed throughout the trees which made them both send a chill up their spine- but they had to keep going. Eventually, Trophy found an abandoned machine that was completely destroyed. “Come over here.” Trophy called him over. The two boys observed the broken machine, so many parts were busted but some were still clean; doesn't mean that it can still work though. Trophy leaned it very closely and saw written letters all over it. “It has a signature, but it isn't very clear.”

They ended up being each others go-to players since they both decided to assign themselves to investigate what was causing this and they surprisingly didn't hate each other, Trophy ended up becoming his friend either way because through out their conversations; it was sweet, but could get a bit messy. But it worked out just fine, whenever one of them struggles with something they just go talk to the other person. Such good friendship!

They both chuckled at each other.


Pickle ran across the tall pine trees as a mysterious figure tried to chase him, dragging Test tube along with him. The figure had a visible knife and had hair but the color wasn't shown- but that didn't matter to them. They both kept on running and they eventually lost the figure, Pickle crouched down to catch his breath but Test tube didn't seem tired at all. She seemed... relieved.

“So...the machine, huh?”

Test tube nodded to his words.

“Basically, it had a signature but it wasn't visible at all. Who revived OJ? and why did they? the recovery machine seems like a design you'd like, ya know?”

No reply. Just sweat.

“So the signature had 4 letters each...”

Pickle began counting on his fingers then reached the point of the name. He widened his eyes and turned to Test tube, who was sweating so much. He felt her heart beating; which was honestly weird. She'd usually reflect on the point of the crime scene and who the culprit might be, but this time- she seemed so weird. But Pickle isn't the type of person to judge, i mean...why?



“Test tube..? It was you, wasn't it..?”


HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now