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OJ glanced at the end of the distance, leading his eyes to a green haired boy. He was standing there not moving a single inch while OJs tears were flowing down his cheeks down to the floor, OJ refused to make eye contact but he was waiting for one of them to speak. “What do you want?” OJ said, angrily.

“...Changing isn't an option.”

“What do you mean by that?”

His mind was a mess now, the tears dripping to his shirt with his sweat. He cried so much, just like what he did the other day. He wasn't going to let go, however. He still needs to act “tough” and feel like the main reason of the spotlight, but... it wasn't the same. He doesn't know why he's like this, he just randomly changed his mind.

“Actions speak louder.”
The voice sounded so familiar to OJ, it spoke to him so well. The noise started to drift to him and git him even closer to the words, he knows how defensive the green object is. Went as far as killing him and such, you won't catch him slipping though.
“What do you mean by that?!”

Pickle chuckled, smiling at his confusion. OJ just grunted and grumbled to himself, picking himself up. Bitch. He thought to himself, they both shared a look to one another after a few seconds of silence, then Pickle decided to open his mouth to speak. “What im saying is that you need to do the action instead of saying what you want to say.”

Why was OJ so impulsive?

In fact, when did he become so impulsive? Sometimes he'd wish that he'd just realize his words and move on, whatever happens to him is not even his problem anymore. It shouldn't be his problem, anyway. He can simply forget about Pickle, just move on he said to his mind. He was pulled out of his mind when he felt the fire flicker ablaze, the room felt a tense heat.

“Take that for an example.”

“Shut up! stop trying to change me, you fucking freak! this is why i killed you, anyway! how are you even alive?!” OJ yelled.

“There you go again...”
Pickle sighed and shrugged his thoughts, if someone told him to be quiet then he'd just do it, but now he's just exaggerating himself. Sighing tiredly, Pickle faced the back of the door and got ready to walk away while OJ was still watching him in anger. “I'll wait for your answer.” and within a blink, he was gone.

Stupid Pickle, stupid everything!

Why won't he just mind his own business?!





TOBE CONTINUED (now its your turn to make up your own scenarios yippee)

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now