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The distance of Paper begging for forgiveness made Mephones vision go blurry, he was trying not to pass out but his eyes were now completely shut. The continuous sobs of Paper was still going, it was getting louder and quiter each sob. Therefore, he stopped and passed out on the ground aswell.

After a few hours, Paper woke up in his bedroom. Nothing was heard but sweet soft music playing in the background, he felt confused yet so calm about it? His body felt numb and cold, but he supposed that it was the air conditioning that was the situation. So he brushed it off, Paper then looked at the lamp beside him and gently smiled.

He hadn't felt like this for such a long time, every situation wasn't present for today, he felt so calm. He felt so relaxed, he felt so peaceful... It took a moment but this is what he was looking for. As Paper sat there in silence, he covered himself with a blanket and dozed off to sleep. He'd have no choice but to give himself personal comfort, he deserves it right?

Paper has waited so long for this moment. He imagined a place were all of this stuff never happened and he and his friends were in peace, paradise, and just competing for a prize. Because if he didn't accept the invitation like everyone else, he would've been safe. He would've been happy. But thats all over, and now it came back... just for now, right? He didn't want this to end.

Ever since the end of season one Paper figured that he made new friends along the way. It was obvious on what it seems, they were all nice to him and respected him. Although they voted for him to get eliminated they were still friends with him. And that made Paper happy, one specific person made him happy too... very happy. He refused to believe his feelings back then, until then he still does. And that's true.

Until the letter incident.

When Paper saw that OJ signed it he felt his heart burst, he thought it was a love confession and a secret date between both of them, but when he saw the others he felt so rejected. And when... he was drugged... It was over, he had given up, the person he loved had changed.

But was it for the worst? was it for the best?

Even OJ himself doesn't know, he wasn't fully sure why he did it but it was for reputation. For his tuition, for his own future. The only word he knew was fame and cash.

Paper woke up, gazing at the ceiling above, He sat down on his bed and began to think. He took out his notes and began writing down with his pen, he lied on his bed while writing words down on his notes. Slightly yawning as the moon reflects the mirror, he then giggled to himself.

Paper widened his eyes.

Did i just... Paper thought to himself. He knew how sad he was, but why now? why is he smiling? Then he snapped to his mind, it was over.

He's now... resting, resting on his own happy space.

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