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silly finale no more chapters :333

OJ brushed off the sight and continued walking to his office reviewing Pickles dead body.

“Why did he even turn blind?” OJ shrugged.

He tore his eyes away from a groaning and painful Pickle, then continued stabbing him again with light heavy screams.

Now he heard a noise.

Paintbrush sighed and was planning on what they are going to do.

All of a sudden, they heard the door creaking and banging. “I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! COME OUT!” Oj yelled, heavy distress in his voice.

Paintbrushes eyes widened. They felt the ground tense up as the banging kept getting louder and louder.

The door slammed open.

“You.” OJ growled, Paintbrush backed up as OJ approached closer to them. “Leave me alone!”

Paintbrush defended themselves by throwing a broom at OJ, knocking him unconscious. Now they had a chance to to escape.

They rushed out of the ward still leaving a little an unconscious OJ groaning in pain.

The hallway was almost silent, no sound was heard besides OJs grumbling.

“What to do, what to do..” Paintbrush panicked to themselves.

Nothing came up, their only option was to run. So they did.

Paintbrush was sweating. Their heart is pounding. Their hands are sweating too, but that didn't last long until their mind was interrupted.

By a dead body, shattered into fragment. It was..

No. No... NO!

Their eyes led to Testtube: she was gone, her acid was spilled to the ground.

They decided to just move on and run again.

Tears falling down their cheeks as they ran, overthinking on what's coming next.

Then they stopped.

“An exit!” They yelled out in excitement.

They slowly opened the door, revealing a glass of orange juice charging at them.

“I have you now!” OJ yelled. Paintbrushes heart sank, they couldn't move. So they accepted their fate.

Before OJ could even hit them, he was shot.

OJ fell revealing Mephone holding a gun, glaring at him. “You won't hurt anyone now.”

OJ was.. dead. He was really dead, his juice was slowly spilling on the ground.

Paintbrush stopped for a moment. They were progressing on what was going on, then they were pulled out of their mind as Mephone grabbed their hand out.

They were outside.

Finally outside...

“Was i late?” Mephone choked out.

“No, you came at just the right time.”

“Thanks.” Paintbrush said, grinning at Mephone.

They both saw a running crowd towards them cheering in relief. They both looked at eachother and grinned again, how they missed this.




The crowds voice were muffled. Mephone wasn't listening, he was overthinking about OJ.

But he was a murderer, so he brushed it off.

“I'll get you all a nice place to stay.”


The name OJ was removed and forgotten, meaning the hotel was changed and renamed.

The dead people were revived and were patched up by Trophy and sometimes Apple, the place was different but they got used to it.


The place was awfully quiet.

Paper couldn't sleep, he doesn't share a room with anyone. He doesn't assist anyone anymore.

He... doesn't give him coffee anymore.

Paper was devastated. He wanted to go back to that place and destroy OJs body, but trauma over comes him.

Then, he heard the door open wide as it creaked.

“Hey man... you okay?” It was Pickle. He wasn't blind anymore, infact, he can see well now.

Paper flopped himself on his bed. “No, OJ is still in my mind...” He groaned.

Pickle grinned and sat down on his bed, hugging him from beside. Paper felt a warm tense coming.

“You know, Taco tried to overcome my mind too. But once I heard the word move on I eventually did it.”

“You can't let one bad experience ruin it, otherwise you'll never move on to the next stage.”

Once Paper heard those words, he felt his eyes widened and realize that... He needs to forget about OJ.

“That really means alot, Pickle...” The pair both smiled, enjoying their company.


Wow, I can't believe that this story is over! More will be coming soon...

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