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He took a deep breath as he saw that familiar smirk again. Laying down upon him, bleeding on his chest. The room grew an awkward silent moment then one began speaking, covering for Paper. OJ looked up at the short girl who was furiously glaring at him while speaking nonsense he didn't understand; "What can I say. You remind me of myself, so passionate and desperate for recognition..." She spoke gently, yet the boy wouldn't even dare to listen to her explanation to him. Unsure how to respond, OJ just closed his eyes and laid there waiting to actually not wake up and die in his sleep. Taco scoffed and turned back to the others. "Well - It did kind of work."

Another awkward silence became lingering between the four of them, what was paper about to say after everything that unfolded with him and trophy? will he just lie about it or tell them that trophy suddenly disappeared and let out his frustration to him?  he's not sure about his words, nor his decisions. Pausing, Paper wiped hot tears from his eyes and began walking back with the others. The moon shines brightly through the open door and his pupils as the others began chatting on what had happened and planned to discuss. "Golly, gee! this was stressful..." Test tube said as she began to yawn, heavy tone in her voice.

"I'll take Pickle with me for a bit, we need to chat."  Taco said awkwardly, looking away.

Pickle widened his eyes. He didn't and wanted to go at the same time, but he had no choice but to go because of his curiosity. The air grew lighter with the idea as Pickles fluffy hair was flowing with the wind, such a wonderful breeze. The whole friend group went both ways with Paper and Test tube heading back to sleep while Pickle and Taco headed to the forest, beginning to talk and sitting on a log. Relieved that Taco wasn't going to kill him, he looked back at her as she looked super nervous. "I know we hadn't had this much contact in forever, but you don't need to be nervous." Pickle reassured her. Taco weakly smiled and looked back at him and began to speak.
"I... uhm, wanted to you are doing now."


With only the company by themselves, Pickle and Taco spent the next few hours busily talking about what has happened for the few months and talked about past experiences and laughed at their own quotes. Taco never felt this happy before, what happened to the intelligent and gaslighting personality she appreciated? she never went back to it, and she never will. Stiffly, the gamer picked himself up and offered Taco a hand to watch the stars together for their new interaction they had after such a long time. She widened her eyes and felt like crying but dared not to do that as she would embarrass herself, she held Pickles hand, and he dragged her along to watch the stars. They both sat down and gazed above watching the purple moonlight together. Wow, this really was an experience for the both of them.

"Wanna do that impression again?"  Pickle looked at her.

"Alright, but just once!"  Taco said, laughing.


Pickle then began falling back to his knees and burst out of laughter, tears almost visible on his eyes, Taco laughed with him but more quietly than his. A buzz of wild energy shot through them as they continued to chat and laugh more, completely forgetting they were supposed to watch the stars together. A few hours went ahead and both of them fell asleep together, slight drool on their mouth and few snoring. Nothing can go wrong now, right? 

But it will soon.


Test tube hopped onto her comfortable and luxurious bed as she stared at Paper who was miserably staring at the ceiling looking wea and sleep deprived. He can feel his own breathing under his skin, each breathe he takes; brand new beginning that'll just make his life miserable. Test tube picked herself up and sat up on Papers personal bed, she looked at him, but he didn't look back. "Is there something wrong?" She asked gently. No response, only quiet muttering. Oh, euthanize his heartbeat he thought but dared not to speak up. She wanted to help Paper, but she felt so tired, Test tube then sighed and went back to her bed falling asleep as Paper still continuedly mutter to himself tiredly. 

2:00AM SEPTEMBER 18, 2014

Paper got up from his bed and slowly opened the door, slightly loud creaking was heard but that didn't wake Test tube up. Paper went outside and went to the path of the kitchen to get something to drink, then he saw a tall, blonde, handsome boy who was making coffee to keep himself up. Paper looked at him, then shrieked to see he looked back.

"Oh, hey."

TO BE CONTINUED (idk how to feel about this one......) 

HOTEL MANAGER IN ME. (II STORY) Where stories live. Discover now