Part 37

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"Don't do that" Namjoon said looking over at his son who was nervously nibbling at his finger nails.

"O, sorry" Jungkook said removing his hand from his mouth.

"You don't have to apologize, I just need you to calm down a little, you didn't even get any sleep last night" Namjoon said.

"I know- I am trying" Jungkook huffed, feeling somewhat hopeless.

Namjoon was driving him to the airport, the group was going to meet there and fly together. Jungkook was feeling anxious about a lot of things.

This was the first time he was flying, the only comforting thing was that Jackson was going to be there, another thing was this was also the first time he was going to be away from his daughter for this long and he was not handling it well.

If he could, he would cancel the trip all together, but he knew he couldn't do that. He trusted his parents to take care of Haneul, it was just that this was a lot for him.

And another big thing that he has been trying not to think about is Taehyung. He had not seen him ever since that day, and he still wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"Make sure to call every day okay" Namjoon said
"Yes sir" Jungkook said with a smile.

For the rest of the way, they chatted about anything that came to mind. Namjoon was glad to know that Moon Bin will also be in the city that Jungkook will be staying at since he will be filming there.

Before his trip, Jungkook had to take Haneul to see her doctor for her regular check ups, he had to put his work in order and now it was all done.

It seemed like Taehyung had simply disappeared the same way he appeared; out of nowhere. Jungkook told himself it was for the best. Once his contract ends he wont have any contact with him again anyways.

Finally, they arrived at the airport, Namjoon hugged him for the last time and let him go and join the rest of him team.

As Jungkook walked away, Jackson stayed behind to talk to Mr. Kim.

"I will look out for him" Jackson said to the man, "well you better" Namjoon replied with a chuckle. "Call us if anything happens okay" Namjoon added. Jackson nodded and assured the man that he will.

A few minutes later he also went to reunite with the team. Namjoon waved at them and made his way to the exit.

Jungkook was quite surprised to see the man who preferred to be called "Jimin" among the group of people he was going to be flying with. Him being of higher rank meant that he could simply take a private plane instead of having to deal with all of this.

Jungkook was deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize Jimin walk up to him, "you nervous?" he asked, this startled Jungkook a bit as he was snapped back to reality.

"O, uhm, no not at all" Jungkook replied clearing his throat.

"Well I am" Jimin said, " I fly a lot, but I can't seem to ever get used to it" he added. "It's my first time flying actually, so I don't know what to expect" Jungkook replied.

"O really?" Jimin was a bit surprised, "I can hold your hand if you get scared" he said with a smile. Jungkook chuckled, "o no, that's okay" he said. This made Jimin laugh.

Before walking away, Jimin told Jungkook that it won't be that scary when they are finally up in the air.

"Wow, look at you, making friends with the boss" It was Jackson who spoke as he walked towards Jungkook.

"Yeah friends" Jungkook said sarcastically.

The two chatted as they moved along the line to get their passport checked.

Jungkook was having a hard time being present, he wasn't going to see his family for a long time and it was hard for him to accept.

Jackson did his best to help ease the younger's nerves, "I hope you don't throw up" Jackson commented jokingly.

Only to turn to look at Jungkook to notice that, he was, in fact, about to throw up. His skin was getting so pale.

"Here" Jackson said passing a paper bag to Jungkook, who instantly hurled up his breakfast into the bag.

"Oh, I hate this" Jungkook mumbled with bag over his mouth.

Jackson let out a chuckle in disbelief, it's been less than three minutes since take of. "You will be okay", he said rubbing the younger's back.





Hey there.
I am really sorry for taking so long to come back with an update, Life has just been happing, and I wont bother you guys with all the details

I hope you have all been doing well, staying healthy and taking care of yourselves. Besides all the busyness, I have been doing fine.

My goal is to have a new chapter up, at least every 2 weeks, since I am writing two books. I will do my best to complete both books, so buckle up, cause there is so much more in store for you guys.

XOXOX, BunnyReads

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